Exercise Tips Needed!!

Hey guys,

Faith here. I have two herniated discs with constant nerve pain and damage...whole nine yards. Anywho, as I have tried to do this whole weight loss thing before and only succeeded in hurting myself further (Zumba was the straw that broke the camel's back DX) I need some tips on exercises that I can do WITH my spine issues that will work for my weight loss goals (2 lb week minimum).

I'm currently 260 lbs with a short term goal of 25 lbs lost by Jan 18th (my sisters' bday) and a long term goal of 120 lbs lost by Dec 3rd, 2013.

Anybody that would also like to be friends and share journeys together is more then welcome to add me.

Thanks so much in advance!!



  • sunshinefrei
    Hi Faith,
    I too have 2 herniated discs as well as a tear on top of an old lumbar fusion as well as 2 level fusion in neck. Now on Lyrica, Cymbalta, and muscel relxers to try to help releave nerve pain. I found that swimming was the best exercise this summer as it did not bother my back as much. You may be able to seated exercises, or some Yoga, not sure what you limitations are just don't over do. I have not found anything I can do at this point as all movement is so painful. I am having Meylogram done next week to see if the spinal nerves are traped in scar tissue. I am so glad you posted today I have been looking for people in the same boat as I am. I will add you as a friend.
  • XfaithfactorX
    Wow, thanks so much for responding!! I accepted your friend request. It def. seems like we're in the same boat. I am also taking cymbalta and muscle relaxers as well as oxy on occasion to help me sleep. Most nights I have insomnia. I've tried so many different pain medicines but it's getting worse and nothing can touch it really anymore. the muscle relaxers help sometimes when it isn't overwhelming and the cymbalta was a miracle for me!! Unfortunately, I just ran out of samples from my first month and am going to have to pay to continue it. But I will...because it not only helped my depression and lifted my spirits and helped me be more social it actually helped my nerve pain significantly the first couple weeks. After that, it kind of leveled out but for what it does for my depression and mood elevation, it's amazing. I also can sleep well when I'm on it. right now I can only sleep lying on my stomach with one knee lifted to the side. If you haven't tried it, sleep in that position. I guarantee it will help you get well rested. I do lots of stretching...yoga certainly is a good exercise I just can't do any plank positions. What else? Oh yeah, swimming is fabulous for me too. This past summer I tried to race my best friend in the pool and quickly realized that's a big no no. luckily, i'm a strong swimmer otherwise I prob would have drowned that day...I tore a few muscles just from swimming aggressively and dived once and my herniated disc area was like "WA-CHA!! STAB STAB STAB!!!" I recently researched and found out you cannot dive AT ALL with spinal issues. Should have used common sense. >.> but my MRI wasn't until just over a month ago and thats when I found out everything. I'm supposed to go to a neurosurgeon for a consult and further testing but I don't know where to begin or who to go to. they're all so expensive. I have blue cross blue shield but like 15000 in med bills already. do you have any suggestions on where to go? should I sign up for a local pool or what would you recommend? Soo glad that I found someone that is on the same path as me and so happy to make a new friend!! I look forward to hearing more from you just shoot me an email or write back on here. xshadowskissx@gmail.com talk with you soon.
