still binge eating at weekends

Started with fitnesspal last week - it;s great - however, my eating habits over the weekend have not changed, I love my glass+++ of wine with creamy cheese and crackers. Has anyone been through this indulging and come out the other side?


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    my down fall is peanut butter lol.

    idk, just try to make it more good weekends then bad ones. guess i'm not a good example, but if you guilt yourself too much you'll fall off the wagon
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Started with fitnesspal last week - it;s great - however, my eating habits over the weekend have not changed, I love my glass+++ of wine with creamy cheese and crackers. Has anyone been through this indulging and come out the other side?

    you just started last will click if you stick with it and you might eat a little less cheese n crackers and then maybe non at happens to all of us, (well...most of us lol) now and then we fall back....but, the goal is to push forward after that. Keep it going and you'll get there
  • renehallen
    renehallen Posts: 49 Member
    I have had issues with bingeing and also peanut butter really does me in. Have been on this site for three weeks. Most of the time, through tracking and receiving support from friends here, I do really well, but I still have the occasional binge and peanut butter episodes. I have come to realize that I'll always have those issues, so I am going to accept the occasional slip ups and just get back on track the next day. Have lost 4 1/2 pounds so far!
  • SailorAsteroidBelt
    Don't feel guilty about it - it'll make you feel helpless and detract from the wonderful time you had eating that wine and cheese. Instead, next time it's wine-and-cheese night, say to yourself, "I want to eat less cheese tonight because I'll feel better afterwards. I won't feel bloated/overstuffed/whatever you feel after too much cheese."

    But if you happen to have a lot of cheese or wine, even after you've decided to have less, just shrug it off. Habits take time to change, and you enjoyed yourself.
  • timvet
    timvet Posts: 114 Member
    I do allow myself one weekend day to not worry about what I am eating. I usually try to exercise more that day or try to be more active. We are only human, and deprivation isn't realistic in my life. SO glad to find out I am not the only one with a peanut butter issue! :blushing:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Weekends are so tough! And I definitely can't have things like cheese and crackers (salsa and chips, hummus and whatever, etc) because I have no concept of control with these. Here are a few tips:

    1) For the snack, find a substitute that's still satisfying. How about grapes or apple slices with your cheese instead of crackers? And maybe use that laughing cow cheese that's already portioned out. That way you just have the fruit and one or two portions of cheese and that's it.

    2) For the wine...I know it can be tough but try to cut down on how much you're drinking. For every glass of wine, drink one glass of water. Or if that's laughable, at the very least, make sure you get a bunch of activity in so you earn the calories. In my mind, if I'm working hard to earn those calories, whatever it is I'm eating or drinking to use them up BETTER be worth it so it tends to help me make better choices and/or not go overboard.

    3) Be extra good the rest of the week and bank 50-100 calories Mon-Fri so you've got that wiggle room on the weekends. And during the day Sat & Sun, be light with your eating so you don't go over by too much. You don't have a ton to lose so make sure your calorie goal is set correctly. 1/2 to 1 pound per week is spot on. 1/2 pound per week takes longer but gives you more wiggle room.

    Here's the thing, you need to think long term. What changes can you make in order to maintain your weight once you get to goal. With that in mind, see if you can come up with some ideas on your own about how you can work these indulgences in to your weekends.
  • scrapfrfun
    I put my weigh in day as Monday so that I know I have to keep up my good work even through the weekend......if I feel I need a little cheat then Monday is my day and I have another 6 days to work it off. Good luck and don't give up!!
  • duncnmollysmom
    I LOVE me some Special K Sea Salt cracker chips and Laughing cow LIGHT. make sure you count out your chips and put the box AWAY!
  • lx_moss
    lx_moss Posts: 7 Member
    The phone app has a great feature that shows you what your weekly deficit is. If you feel better about eating more on the weekends then limit yourself more during the week. If you net weekly calories still come out under what it suggests then you are in the clear. Just don't weigh yourself on mondays. I have been eating like this for several years! I like to weigh myself once a week on fridays as a guidline because on monday your scale might be up two pounds, but it's usually because over the weekend you've consumed excessive salt and are retaining water, a day or two of water and good eating flushes that sodium down the toilet.

    Also, knowing that I will consume more on the weekends I also try to workout more. Go for my long run, hike with the dog for a few hours. It gives you a little more buffer. There's nothing wrong in my books with running in exchange for wine :)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If you end up binging on weekends, it may well work better for you if you have a lower daily deficit and try not to make yourself feel so deprived.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    If you want to keep the cheese and wine weekends just make sure you burn enough calories to keep them! Go for a long walk or bike ride then you can still enjoy your weekend treat.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Because of how I eat, I no longer binge at all, ever. I do still have a bit of wine and cheese occasionally; why not? It fits in my macros and a little goes a long way. But i don't have the crackers, or yes, i would be binging.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I have trouble with weekends too. Monday through Friday I can complete all my workouts and eat healthy at every meal. Then bam, the weekend hits and apparently my brain thinks those days don't count or something. It's been getting better though, sticking with your routine helps a lot! And just being conscious of what you're doing. Making sure I serve myself just 1 serving and put the rest of the treat (wine, crackers, pretzels, whatever) back into the pantry. It's also nice to have a relaxing way to be active. I crave my weekends and don't feel like doing much, but lounging on the couch for 2 days doesn't help anybody. My husband and I just got bikes, so now we take a ride around town before relaxing with a movie. I definitely think it's about being very conscious, repetition!, and making little swaps.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Binge eating on weekends? No. Binge eating is an eating disorder. If you have that, you should probably talk to a doctor/psychologist. Are you really binge eating or just eating some junk food? You could always try eating at maintenance calories on the weekend and at a deficit during the week.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The weekends are harder because it's a different routine. Keep trying and stick with it!
  • milk_shakes
    Don't feel guilty about it - it'll make you feel helpless and detract from the wonderful time you had eating that wine and cheese. Instead, next time it's wine-and-cheese night, say to yourself, "I want to eat less cheese tonight because I'll feel better afterwards. I won't feel bloated/overstuffed/whatever you feel after too much cheese."

    But if you happen to have a lot of cheese or wine, even after you've decided to have less, just shrug it off. Habits take time to change, and you enjoyed yourself.

    Perfectly said
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    you bet! try a different low cal cheese...laughing cow makes a great choice! yummy too.....preportioned.....great taste! try one glass of wine, lots of of water as a chaser! just choose smarter! you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Here's the way I look at it: I work almost 12 hours a day on the weekdays, and still get in 3 days of exercise(crossfit) in the evenings. However, I realize there are times I will be too busy during the week to get in my 3 days, so I use my weekends for my intense workouts(I spend 2 hours a day at the gym both Sat/Sunday). Part of the reason I do this is the obvious time constraints, but also, so I can have what I enjoy on the weekends. I live in San Fran, I love all the food this city has to offer, including the wine, but I also realize I'm not doing myself any favors by overdoing it. Indulge a bit, enjoy a glass or 2, eat some great cheese, but don't let it become bigger than that, don't do it every weekend and try to add more time to your work out routine on the weekend knowing you will probably indulge.
  • Lost240
    I really struggle with weekend binge eating! Really... any extended period of time where I am sitting at my house.. food WILL be entering my mouth. I feel so ashamed after I do it, but those feelings just drive me to eat more. I know it's just a matter of self control... but will power seems to be non-existent in my life lately. I don't know when I became this person. I don't know when I became such an emotional eater, but I HATE it.
  • jmkristo
    Maybe find a lower calorie cracker and cheese to eat.... I find it hard to eat well on the weekends too. I just look for lower calorie stuff that is better for me to indulge in. (I also started (again) this week).