need to drop 100+ pounds...



  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    I use to feel the same way, I needed to lose (still need to lose) 100+ pounds. I am a single mother, on a fixed income, and had a lack of motivation. But let me tell you, it costs nothing to reduce portion size, and walk around the block or park.
    You can also make changes to the things you buy and being a mother, you will then be able to make healthier choices for your children so it becomes a family affair.
    Losing weight seemed hard in the beginning and then it became 2nd nature. I hit a plateau, and now I am finding my motivation again.
    You can lose weight on a limited income. Start small with the changes in the foods you buy, read labels, and make smart swaps!
    You can do anything you put your mind to.

    thanks I've been doing this a lot :) just some days it's seems harder than others... maybe it's the lack of sleep ... 20 month old with a cold... not sleeping well ect...
  • mariposalily22
    mariposalily22 Posts: 1 Member
    That's me 100 lbs plus more! I've just begun in this journey but my mind and body are ready so here i am 34 lbs lost so far and it has been challenging. I've decided not to give up just keep pressing on even if i have a set back. Add me if you want my name is mariposalily22 I'm always looking for positive motivation and to motivate others.
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    If you go to the groups section you can probably find a group that is just for those with over 100lbs to lose.

    Feel free to add me everyone. I've got about that much to lose too. I am down about 15lbs. I started Zumba classes in July and try to make it 3x a week (and have most weeks). I plan to incorporate more exercise soon, but not quite sure what i'll be doing yet. I have been on MFP for about 3 weeks and log almost daily. I didn't start losing until I started logging.

    We have to budget as well. My husband and I are both going healthy. Trying to eliminate many of the bad things in food so that we not only can lose weight, but stop bombarding ourselves with chemicals. I have done a lot of research and all the additives add weight to us! We do still eat out and I must say that I do still love Taco Bell (even though I know they aren't healthy), but we have made lots of changes to what we eat at home and what we eat when going out. I also have my 6 year old eating healthier. I really think that it helps when everyone eats better. It is also cheaper because you don't have to buy what they are eating, plus what you are eating.

    Anyway, that is what I'm working on right now.

    You are off to a great start!
  • morah29
    morah29 Posts: 107
    thanks for all the great advice
  • Cherylwrite
    Cherylwrite Posts: 7 Member
    You will get there, it's all about steps...Keep taking those steps.

    Whether you are going to walk a mile or run a marathon, you have to take those first scary steps.

    After my son was born, I was almost 300 lbs...I am now about 220 (Big yo-yo going on) Starting from his birth, my journey is about 140 lbs total...I have almost half of that off. I will get there, and so will you. My goal here right now is to shed I at least 50 lbs (Can't remember as I am posting this).

    We will support each other. :)
  • jdawn120191
    my ultimate goal is to lose 100 lbs, and also I'm on a tight budget :) So anyone feel free to add me!
  • lilibetnix
    lilibetnix Posts: 7 Member
    Sweetheart, do not let "Ideal" or "Healthy" body weights thwart your goals. I'm about to endeavor as a dietitian in life, and everything I've learned so far has taught me that weight loss goals need to be realistic. I think it's great that you are making such an effort, and it sounds like you are on the right track. If 100 pounds seems overwhelming, try to think of something a little easier. I like to do % of body weight instead. There are several studies that show that losing just 7% of body weight can greatly decrease health risks and can improve energy, stamina and all that jazz. So, say you weigh 300 (and I have no idea how much you do weigh, this is just an example) losing 10% would be losing 30 pounds. And I think that seems a little more realistic. This doesn't mean that weight loss has to end there. I think it's just easier to make stepping stone goals rather than jumping off the cliff. :smile:
  • raejay621
    I totally know how you feel. I see people saying I'm 120 but i want to be 105. I'm just like what? Lol. But when I started MFP two weeks ago I was 250.3 as of Friday I was 246.3 and I want to be 160. I know that once I reach 160 I will want to lose more. But right now my short term goal is a total of 20 pounds by Christmas and the whole 90 by my son's 2nd birthday, which is June 21st.
  • ethansmug
    ethansmug Posts: 159 Member
    I need to lose 17,000 pounds and I need it gone by next week....I think I can do it =P

    Welcome to the site, there are a lot of nice people here.

    Though I am not among them.
  • sunshinefrei
    I started with 130 to lose, lost 10 before traking on MFP. We are low income as well and it is hard. The Dr. said it was time to lose the weight now and told me not to eat red meat and to stay away from prossed foods as much as possible (like boxed foods), so mostly fresh foods or frozen. No one in my home is changing their life style with me. So it can be hard. When they order pizza I make a tortillia pizza with lot of veggies. I have a hard time eatting 1200 calories and I eat all day and stay full. I only wished I could do the walking every morning like I use to, but at this point I can't even stand or sit for long peroids of time due to back problems I have had for years seem to be getting worse now. So it is all down to what I eat. You can add me as a friend I am always looking for people that have around the same amount to lose. Supporting each other is everything so that you don't feel like youalone or by your self. Have a great day!:smile:
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I am with you. I weigh about 255 it is the highest I have ever weighed in my life. I know it is due to fast food and stress. I am going to try to get to a healthy weight that is my first goal. Because this is the highest I have ever weighed I remember what 200 felt like so my first goal is to get under 200 then strive for less, but I think less than 155 is too skinny for me so 100 lbs it is. I will help you if you want to lose this together.
  • miss_asho
    I need to drop 100+ pounds as well....I need support and motivation! Anyone can add! thanks :)
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I have 150 pounds to lose.

    I am very active on MFP and belong to these groups for extra motivation:

    200+ to Lose
  • mizzesberry
    mizzesberry Posts: 15 Member
  • hopeful_heather19
    Hello! I have 152 to lose hoping to get there in time!