How often to weigh myself?

blackballoon517 Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am new to this whole thing. I'm not used to exercise, which I've been doing every day for a week now. I notice the scale is going up and down and I'm wondering if thats just my body getting used to the exercise and if I should wait a few weeks before logging my new weight until I get a steady number? Very confusing! Either way, I'm feeling better after just a week.


  • I weigh myself every Saturday morning before breakfast. Make it the same day of the week, and same time of the day (mornings are suggested, before breakfast).
  • I have been that way too, up and down. I have noticed that now that I am drinking usually 9 or more cups of water it tends to be more concistant and reliable. Another thing I noticed this week is that I weigh less an hour after I wake up than if I way right when I wake up (I've only been at this 13 days). Hope something I said is helpful. :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Weigh yourself once per week, in the morning, after you've had your first bowel movement (#1 & #2), you'll be lighter that way! If you can't stand the wait of once per week, do the above, but mid-week of your weigh in. Like, if you weigh in Saturday or Sunday, check on Wednesday for your progress, but don't log it. Just once a week is fine. Weighing in every day is only going to lead to heartache and frustration.
  • meganwojo
    meganwojo Posts: 221 Member
    Your body flucuates between 1-3 lbs a DAY in water weight. That is what your seeing, and if you weigh in everyday, you will see the same thing happening. It is 100% normal and happens to every single person regardless of what anyone says. Pick one day a week your going to weigh in and thats it. I do Monday its the beginning of the week and a fresh start to the week!
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    I like to weigh myself daily, so that I can feel the "reward" if I've dropped a bit, and on the other hand I can give fuller concentration to what I am eating, if I've not dropped. But, everyone needs to figure out which works best for them. Some find weighing daily as stressful. But I find that weighing daily is a tool and helps me keep focused on what I am trying to do, which is lose weight. I view the scale as my friend, who is there to help me track my progress and encourage me forward to success.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I try to just weigh myself once a week, Monday morning, which is my weigh in day. However I do find myself sneaking a peak a couple of times through the week.
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