HI!! New member on board..

Here I am looking for a new way to motivate myself into a new life. I like who I am I just don't like the way I look. I am a big lady that remembers what it's like to be smaller and healthier. I want to find that lady and be the happy, active, healthy person I once was. I have the love and support of my family and friends but I believe you can never have too many friends to encourage and help motivate you along the way. I know that this will be a hard trip as I strive to get myself back into a healthy lifestyle but what a ride it will be. There is a long road ahead and I'm ready to hit the ground running...or in my case...crawling!! (LOL)!!:laugh: I look forward to meeting new friends and I want to support others in their journey into a better life.:flowerforyou:


  • Snickers93
    hi :) im only a younge teen but tryin to do da same. good luck on losing pounds. i believe ur futture will b bright :) good luck
  • Lovemylife67
    Lovemylife67 Posts: 19 Member
    Thankyou for that note of encouragement. I appreciate it. Good luck to you too. I think this site is going to be a challenge but it will be fun too.
  • tejanosinger
    Glad to see that you found this site =) I love to be able to come here and track what i eat everyday and to log all that I do at the gym. I have been going to the gym since October 6 and decided it was time to do something....this is the longest I have been able to keep it up and I have lost 38 pounds since. I love going to the gym everyday especially knowing that I am going to lose shed more pounds. I make sure that I eat at least 1400 calories a day and I burn 700 to 1000 a day. I know you can do it and I wish u the best!!!
  • sineadmm
    sineadmm Posts: 190
    welcome to mfp, gl!:flowerforyou:
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Welcome:flowerforyou: I have only been a member for a few days too and so far loving it. I am a big girl with a lot of weight to lose,also looking for online friends for support.
    Good luck with your journey.
    Helen x
  • aleefula
    hi, i am also new to this, just joined last couple of days and already noticing the difference. Before i used this i used to weigh 184 pounds and i am now 167, this has been a very long process for me to lose all this weight but i feel more confident now using this website, i have noticed that i am able to keep track so much more of the food i put into my mouth and before even though i was conscious of what i ate and exercised, i could never keep track, by using this i have noticed just in a couple of days the enormous difference it has made, i am even remembering to drink water which i never did, and since i am a coffee addict i have managed to keep my coffee consumption to a maximum of 2 cups a day, (used to be 6 or more but because i wasnt counting i didnt know). I wish you the very best of luck i know how hard it is specially when you have had kids to actually battle the bulge, but the first step you have taken already which is to make a consciuos decision to change.

    Best of luck
