lost and confused

Leslie4834 Posts: 111 Member
edited January 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all, Sorry I did not log on I have been on fall break and before fall break I went to go see a nutritionist. As we all know that I'm a type one diabetic so I thought it was a good idea to go visit her see how I can improve my lifestyle. Well for starters I think that the nutritionist that I went to is a crazy wacko. Some of her advice that she told me I though was a little out there. That counting calories will not help you lose weight, if you just walked for thirty minutes and ate what ever you want you will lose weight. Then she told me to drink only eight glasses of eight ounces of water a day is more the plenty. You should not drink more because it is bad for your body. Another thing is that you would only weight yourself once a year at your doctor yearly check up. Also I tend to weight my food on a digital scale my nutritionist told me to buy a new scale because my old one what I bought less then a year ago is all ready out of date. That also cardio exercise will not help you lose weight only waling will. So there was some few other changes but you get the drift. So I followed the plan that the nutritionist put me on and low and behold guess what the weigh that I had previously lost I had gained it all back. So over fall break I thought long and hard of what food I'm going to put in my body and what type of exercise I want to do. I know her way is not working and my way is semi working, so here I'm trying to find a happy middle. So tomorrow fall break is over and back to the school and the grind. I think I might of found a happy medium but I don't know we will see. So if anybody has any advice they want to share with me my ears are always open. Thanks for listening to me. Hope to here from all of you soon.


  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Nutritionists... as well as doctors.. don't know everything.

    Do what is working for you.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Well for starters I think that the nutritionist that I went to is a crazy wacko.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Leslie, she is not that great of a nutritionist because one, she is not a doctor. My doctor said that counting calories helps because if you gain weight it's because of what you eat. My doc is an endocrinologist. And that is a doctor that specializes in diabetes. She is way more advanced than a nutritionist and has had about six more years of college. If you count what you eat, count what you burn and get your 8 glasses of water a day, you are doing perfect. My endocrinologist is so happy with my performance that she said that once I get to 20 pounds lost, she will take me off high blood pressure and cholesterol medication so there you go!
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    My doctor weighs us every time we visit, sometimes its once a month, other times once every three but I would never rely on just that for monitoring my weight - way to easy to go off course. Plus my doctor - while he likes that we are walking a lot - believes its calories in that determine weight. For a lot of people you can kick start weight loss by upping activity but sustaining a high level of activity does not work for a lot of people due to everyday life commitments.

    Sorry to hear that the nutritionist's advice worked so poorly for you. I assume you already know what general type of diet you need to manage your diabetes 1, and it looks like it was working for you before, so I would go back to the old ways.

    BTW was it a diabetic nutritionist or just a *regular* one? I have been impressed with the diabetic nutritionist that counselled my mom, but the *general* one I went to was also a bit of a kook and into "not medically proven" alternatives.

    Good luck getting back on track.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    How do you suppose a scale purchased within the last 12 months is out of date?...!

    The way I gained a ton of weight is by not weighing myself and eating what I liked and not counting calories. Was she thinking that you wanted to put on weight? Her plan sure worked for me!
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