


  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you everyone for your imput. I really don't think I want to try this. I love food and want to be healthy for myself and for my overall family. I really don't think she will get want she wants from this in the long run. I guess I'm just jealous because of how good she feels about herself right now. I want that. So really this isn't about her and her quick fix its me fustrated with how hard I work at this healthy business and it takes what feels forever for people or even myself to notice and she did it in a matter of weeks.

    I will keep trucking. Thank you for reassuring me :)
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Thank you everyone for your imput. I really don't think I want to try this. I love food and want to be healthy for myself and for my overall family. I really don't think she will get want she wants from this in the long run. I guess I'm just jealous because of how good she feels about herself right now. I want that. So really this isn't about her and her quick fix its me fustrated with how hard I work at this healthy business and it takes what feels forever for people or even myself to notice and she did it in a matter of weeks.

    I will keep trucking. Thank you for reassuring me :)

    Great decision. :) Hehe.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Thank you everyone for your imput. I really don't think I want to try this. I love food and want to be healthy for myself and for my overall family. I really don't think she will get want she wants from this in the long run. I guess I'm just jealous because of how good she feels about herself right now. I want that. So really this isn't about her and her quick fix its me fustrated with how hard I work at this healthy business and it takes what feels forever for people or even myself to notice and she did it in a matter of weeks.

    I will keep trucking. Thank you for reassuring me :)

    In the long run, you're feeling of feeling good about yourself will feel much better because you've worked harder for it, and will last much longer....because you worked harder for it.
  • sdmillman
    High dollars for temporary results. They make claims that the HCG diet will reset your metabolism - that's complete BS. Believe me- I tried it. super fast results, but it didn't take long before I was back where I started, minus about $750 for a six week course through a clinic. Behavior modification is the only way to go. Eat less move more really works, and it's as close to free as you can get!
  • sdmillman
    Excellent decision!