Hi - I'm new!

:happy: My name is Jacqui I am 61 years old, live in Spain and need to lose a bit of weight. I eat out of boredom so decided to join a site. This one looks good and hopefully I will be able to follow it easily!

My husband bought me a Wii Fit Plus which is really good so along with walking each day I hope to reach my goal weight in the not too distant future.


  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Jacqui, I joined last week and have lost 5lbs so far, and am very excited, I have a lot of enthusiasm to lose weight at the moment, lets just hope it doesn't wain!!!

    I have done lost of different diets in the past, as most women do!! and I am finding this a very useful site. Good luck!!!

  • jacquismith
    jacquismith Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Ruby, well done, 5lbs - did you lose it in a week? I think it's a great site too. I like it because when I've filled in my days food I can see at a glance what I've missed out!! Today I missed out vegetables - so it will be a veggy day tomorrow.

    Do you go out to work? I found that when I worked I kept the weight down but now I've retired I seem to be getting lazier. I do try to exercise every day on my Wii but it's not the same as when I lived in the UK.

    Keep up the good work and good luck to you too.

  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Jacqui, no I didnt lose in one week, I have been on here for 3 weeks now, I think I lost 4lbs first week. I love the fact that it adds it all up for you, which is a bonus!!
    Yes I have just got myself a part time job, we moved to Cornwall 2 years ago to make a better life, and for my hubby to semi-retire (he's a builder) but ever since we got here he has worked endlessly on the house, so retirement looks a long way off? I needed a little job for my sanity, its hard when you move somewhere new, I find that people of my age already have friends!! and I find it's not easy to mix?

    How are you finding it in Spain.

    Am off for a 30 minute power walk in a few minutes!!
  • jacquismith
    jacquismith Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, lovely to get your reply - I do like Spain but I do miss my friends in the UK. I've always worked full time mostly in London and I am so bored in Spain. I find the language quite difficult to get although I do get by with spanglish!! I know what you mean - a little job for sanity is all I need too. My husband was a builder and a heating engineer when we lived in Suffolk UK. Before we moved to Spain we were thinking of moving to Cornwall a lovely part of the world. Where did you move from in the UK?

    I wouldn't rush into retirement, we retired a little early although my husband is 6 years older than me - I think he still misses working, wouldn't want to do it full time but part time would be good. He helps with the cleaning and walks the dogs about 5 times a day and annoys me the rest of the time!! :laugh:

    I'm back in the UK for a month starting Feb 6th as our daughter is expecting her first child, I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully I can keep on track and lose a few more pounds even when over there (I'll be running round and cleaning, cooking etc) which will be good if only for a month.

    Keep up the good work and speak to you again soon.

  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome to MFP ..... this is an awesome site with lots of great/friendly people with lots of support and motivation .... wishing you much success in your weight loss journey :bigsmile:
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Jacqui

    We were thinking of moving to Portugal before we decided on Cornwall! We moved here with our daughter her husband and 2 little grandchildren!! its been really hard for us over the last 2 years, one minute we are on our own and next we are surrounded by mess and noise, love them really. We moved from Hook in Hampshire, our other daughter still lives in Fleet with her partner.

    Hope you have a good stay with your daughter, keep in touch, and be good!!!!
