Best Vitamin Rich Foods

allyson2212 Posts: 42
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ive been logging in for over a week now, and Im disapointed to see that even though Im eating healthy, Im still not to my RDA of some very important vitamins. I prefer to get my vitamins from whole foods since they absorb into the body better than pill form, so I am looking for some good vitamin rich foods that I can add to my diet! Any advice is appreciated!

*Sorry, Ill clarify. I eat mainly lean protiens and vegitables for lunch and dinner. In the morning I have oatmeal with flaxseed and milk. Ill usually have whole wheat bread or whole wheat tortillas. I eat about 1/3 cup of natural cheese within the day, and have been having baby carrots and green tea for snacks. Im lacking iron about 30-40% and Vitamin C 20-30%. The rest are pretty much on target, but Im still looking for all around vitamin rich foods too.



  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    What are some things that you normally eat?
  • Which vitamins are you lacking?
  • Hi Allyson, here is one online source for finding out where to get what you're lacking:

    One note regarding supplementation (my job with the health department) - there are two vitamins that it is almost impossible to get in adequate amounts from food - Vitamin D (nutritionists are beginning to recommend 2000 IU per day based on recent research) and folate - while there are some very good food sources, the body only absorbs 50% of what it gets from food, 100% from supplements. Another alternative - eat a bowl of cereal fortified with 400 mcg daily - body will absorb 85% of that & you can make up the rest in your diet (avocados, beans, eggs, dark leafy greens, oranges). If you take a supplement, need to take it with other B vitamins. Also, if you are a vegan, taking a B-Vitamin complex is crucial as B-12 is only available from animal products.

    Good luck!
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