How did you stop caffeine?



  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I love coffee, and I have quit numerous times in the past (only to go back to it, trying to moderate now)

    It always had to be done cold turkey, otherwise it was not happening.

    Feeling like crap is part of the process. I imagine the symptoms of getting off caffeine are what drug addicts go through in detox - major headache, nausea, weakness, etc. - it lasts 2-4 days on average and it is not fun.

    What helps me to feel better: lots of water, nutritious foods, lots of sleep.

    Good luck!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I just don't understand why people feel the need to stop caffeine as if it will help you lose weight - if anything the opposite. I wouldn't have half the intensity of my workouts if not for my 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I don't drink sugary coffee, just straight coffee with a little bit of creamer and stevia in it...calorie wise it is 40 calories a day.

  • sfagans
    sfagans Posts: 13 Member
    I switched to decaf. Try mixing caffeine and decaf. Each day add a little more decaf each day.
  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    One day I just switched to only drinking water. I drank it constantly... I haven't had any withdrawals it seems. I feel pretty good overall.

    Same thing I only drank water, made sure I got my 64oz in and that helped a lot.
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