1200 calories

karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so I just changed my loss goals from 1# a week to 2# a week; my caloric intake went from 1710 a day to 1200.

My question is: If I should be eating 1200 a day to lose, but not less than 1200 a day for nutritional concerns, how the heck am I supposed to balance that everyday to never go over, never go under, and balance out everything else!? (fat, fiber, protein, sodium).

I usually dont have a problem with anything except the protein and the fiber, usually over on both. Is this bad? I thought protein was good for muscle mass and fiber for staying full and digestion...

Please, any advice would be helpful!


  • Well this is just me and I'm certainly no expert, but I don't worry if my fiber and protein go over. It's hard to eat a low gi / low sugar diet without the protein and fiber going over. But that's also for me, I prefer to watch my sugar and calories primarily, fat secondary and that's it. I must be doing ok because I feel great, I've lost 12 lbs in the past 6 weeks and I don't have cravings anymore. Probably someone with more nutrition knowledge can provide a better answer but that's my 2 cents.
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Im at 1200 and Im usually ALWAYS under. Plus if you work out daily it will add to your calorie intake, thus giving you more calories to use. Just try it for a week. I guess I just got used to it since thats been my goal this entire journey. I am thinking of changing now to 1# a week, since I am close to my goal.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I can't see going over on protein & fiber as a bad thing. Both help you feel full.
    The way I did it on 1200 was to log my highest caloric meal of the day, then log everything else around it. I plan ALL of my food out for 2 weeks at a time. That way there are no surprises. Also, once you get your exercise in, make sure you eat the calories back. A 500 calorie workout will pop you back up to the 1700 you're used to. If you don't eat your exercise calories, it takes you below 1200.
  • hkuiuc99
    hkuiuc99 Posts: 79 Member
    I am not a health expert, but I always try to stay at or below the 1200 calories and I try to keep the sodium under whatever the value they give, and I for sure try to keep the fat way under what it says.... I don't mind if my fiber or protein go over. It seems to be working for me and I have lost weight each week. If I do go over in anything I try to see what I ate that was so high and then try to avoid that meal next time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    A little bit of exercise never hurt anyone. :wink:
    I exercise every day (pretty much), even if it's just 30 minutes on the bike so when I go over 1200 there's no problem because then I'm just eating some of my exercise calories (which is a good thing).

    On the rare occasion I don't exercise, I just keep as close to 1200 as possible. So, if I eat 1150, that's fine, and if I eat 1300, that's fine too. One day a few calories under 1200 isn't going to do any harm.

    MFP is meant to be a guideline. That's all.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you go over just make sure not by much, if you do you will burn between 1 and 2 lbs per week, instead of the 2, why not try setting at 1.5 pounds?
  • scrappy11
    scrappy11 Posts: 163
    I was on 1200 last year when I did MFP and I worked out everyday for at least 30 minutes and ate my exercise calories and that way I was never over. Protein and fiber I am always over on and don't worry about that. I worry more about my sodium and fat more than fiber and protein. :) Hope this helps!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Thank you all very much! This was very helpful!

    However, if I eat 1300 calories, and burn 250 excercising, is this not considered to be under my caloric intake?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thank you all very much! This was very helpful!

    However, if I eat 1300 calories, and burn 250 excercising, is this not considered to be under my caloric intake?

    It depends. According to MFP, yes.
    But everyone is different and everyone's calorie needs are different so you just have to find out what works for you.
    Your ticker shows you're trying to lose 72 pounds. Those of us who are "obese" can usually get away with higher calorie deficits than those with less weight to lose (until we're no longer obese). Our bodies have so much additional fat that they're highly unlikely to go into "survival/starvation mode." So, for now, it may be okay not to eat all of your exercise calories. It may not. You have to do what you think works well for yourself. And I guess you won't know until you try one way or the other.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Ok, so I just changed my loss goals from 1# a week to 2# a week; my caloric intake went from 1710 a day to 1200.

    My question is: If I should be eating 1200 a day to lose, but not less than 1200 a day for nutritional concerns, how the heck am I supposed to balance that everyday to never go over, never go under, and balance out everything else!? (fat, fiber, protein, sodium).

    I usually dont have a problem with anything except the protein and the fiber, usually over on both. Is this bad? I thought protein was good for muscle mass and fiber for staying full and digestion...

    Please, any advice would be helpful!

    I'm on a 1200 cal diet too.... I always allow myself a little leway. Meaning if I get up a little past 1200 I don't stress about it. I try to keep within 30-50 calories tho....
    As for going under. The reason you probably should NOT go under 1200 calories is your body may go into "starvation mode". This means that your body thinks it's starving so will hang onto whatever you eat and store it as fat, which is what we are trying to avoid. Some people the low calorie mark may be lower, but as a general rule it's typically around 1200 calories. Anything less than that, your body won't be getting the necessary nutrients that it needs.

    Protein is great. I usually don't stress if I'm over on protein either. It is responsible for repairing muscles after workouts. It builds that lean muscle, which in turn increases your metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the easier it will be for you to loose weight and then maintain a healthy weight.

    Fiber is the same way. Fiber adds bulk to you food and makes it "harder" to digest, thus leaving you feeling full longer. You should be getting between 25-35 grams of Fiber everyday, and even some say it should be 35-45 grams.

    Exercise is essential! You do gain some extra calories by exercising... it is very diffucult, if not impossible, to be healthy without exercise. Exercise will burn those extra calories and thus you will lose weight, as long as you're burning more than you eat! By following this diet, 1200 calories sometimes a little more I NEVER feel hungry! And you can do it too! I wish you the best of luck!
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    1300-250= 1050 net.

    1050 net is too low. You should eat at least half your exercise calories back. Although, you do have 70lbs to lose so you could probably get away with eating 1400-1500 calories a day and be okay. Then when you get closer to your goal you can bring it back down to 1200 cals/day.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Thank you, all, for the feedback! I just hate seeing the red numbers!!!!

    I think it's just up to one's best judgement in making the biggest effort. and the weight loss will prove that!

    Thanks again!
  • HAH I hated the red numbers too at first, but I'm over it now. :wink: You won't take them personally after a while. Now that I've found what works for me and I'm doing it, I just stick my tongue out at the red fiber and protein numbers. :drinker:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    You can manually change the protein and fiber amounts in your goals settings. I changed mine because I hate seeing the red numbers too! LOL
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    Think of them more as guidelines, not limits. I try to stay at or under my Calories, Carbs, and Sodium, but as for the rest I may go over or under any day, no big deal to me as long as its not WAY over/under.

    be sure to drink your water too!

    Plan your meal in advance, you are more likely to stay at or under your guidelines. (Use the Data section under the Food tab to help you pick your meals)

    If you really feel like 1200 cals is not possible one day, carve out 30 minutes of your day to devote to exercise, that way you can earn more cals and carbs for the day.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    For me - I know I won't be perfect every day - and since I am close to my goal weight (I really only have 10 to lose to be at a very realistic weight, though I would LIKE to eventually lose 15-20) I just try to make sure that the red numbers never put me over my current weight for the green "if every day were like today" button result. So, I realize that I may not have lost any or much weight that day, but I did not gain any! (It rarely gets that close - usually we're talking 50-100 cals if any, which is still a deficit, just a slower one, which I am fine with - slow and steady! Plus, I realize that since my goal weight is close, that having it set to 1# a week may be unrealistic and sometimes going over and losing .5# a week is actually healthier long run). So if you are set to 2# a week and overeat - you could still be losing - so don't beat yourself up! It will only lead you to being more likely to do something unhealthy (be it work out for 4 hours too hard, binge, undereat...). Be aware of the overall picture and not just the numbers at the end of one particular day.
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