7.5 Week Progress (with le pics)!

When I started my last year at uni this September, I decided it was seriously time to get back to focusing on my weight loss (which had gotten so far away from me) after feeling like poo for the majority of the summer. I finished off my summer of binge drinking fest at 173.4lb and set the goal of losing 21lb by my 21st birthday (which is Sunday, October 21- CHAMPAGNE BDAY!). Today I was feeling discouraged because I am only at 157.6 lb (16 lb loss) and realized I couldn't make my goal in time. So to see if I'd made any changes in the past 2ish months, I took a video of myself and compared it with a starting video that I made at the very end of August. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised!!

I ALWAYS check out the success stories on MFP to keep me motivated, so thought that it was only fair to show how you guys how you have inspired me!! So, here are some of the screen shots of what a mere 7.5 weeks of work has done for my body. It's going to be a happy birthday for me indeed!!





  • greatthatsgreat
    greatthatsgreat Posts: 36 Member
    dang! you look amazing! what a difference!
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    wow thats great in just 7 weeks well done :smile:
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Wow!! You look fantastic!
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    that is great work!!

    you look so toned!

    what exercises were you doing?
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    You look wonderful! You can really tell a huge difference.

    What was you workout/diet plan?
  • mmmurphy585
    mmmurphy585 Posts: 36 Member
    Great job! You look fantastic!
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    It just goes to show the number on the scale isn't that important. You've made excellent progress!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    great job!! and yes very inspiring!!!
  • LosinItAll2012
    LosinItAll2012 Posts: 238 Member
    Fantastic!! There is a huge difference! Your back fat is gone!! How'd you do it??? :happy:

    Edit: Just to say... "Nice Bum!!!"
  • swagner73
    swagner73 Posts: 43 Member
    that is great work!!

    you look so toned!

    what exercises were you doing?

    Yes... what exercises? Inquiring minds want to know!

    You look fabulous, btw!
  • irisic
    irisic Posts: 55
    wow amazing results!
  • adkil21
    adkil21 Posts: 15
    that is great work!!

    you look so toned!

    what exercises were you doing?

    Thanks everyone! :)

    For the first month I was going to the gym before class and doing 30-40 minutes of pure cardio (couldn't make it on weekends, just too busy with work and homework). Cut my cals down to 1100ish cals per day (I'm only 5'1, almost haha), stopped eating junk, the really obvious stuff, which got me down to 162 (11 lbs). On October 1st I started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and am on my third week of that. She includes this kickstart diet for the first week which is high protein and lean everything, which I loosely stuck to. Now I'm just eating sensibly at 1200 cal/day, doing her exercises and some additional cardio when I can get to the gym (which is like 2x a week). That brought me down another 5 in the past 2.5 weeks!
  • TJoVasquez
    Wow amazing results! What are you doing to tone up? I've lost 15 pounds but don't look that good...yet! Oh maybe that's because I've had four sons and you are old enough to be my daughter lol! :happy:
  • adkil21
    adkil21 Posts: 15
    Fantastic!! There is a huge difference! Your back fat is gone!! How'd you do it??? :happy:

    Edit: Just to say... "Nice Bum!!!"

    Haha, thank you! Particularly proud of the butt. Cellulite is slowly falling off as well, thank god. Squats squats squats!!
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    wow great job in only 7.5wks your back shot alone shows drastic change keep it up yeah it's a bunner that u (may not) reach your goal by your b-day but then again it's still a few days away anything can happen 16 down is still a great thing
    happy birthday!!
  • Bere4ever
    Bere4ever Posts: 188
    woooooooooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! wtg..:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Great job....I see how what are you doing to makes such a great shape.
  • adkil21
    adkil21 Posts: 15
    Yeah, you never know! I'm still holding out some hope but if I don't, I'm extremely happy with the progress I've made so far! And thanks so much for the birthday wish!

    Thanks everyone again!! The kind words just make it that much easier to continue on with my journey. <3 I'll be back at the end of the Body Revolution to let you know how that went for me. :)
  • treatdream
    treatdream Posts: 104 Member
    You look great! Awesome job. Thank you for sharing and inspiring. Proof that the scale isn't always the best measure of progress!
  • missodu
    missodu Posts: 234 Member
    huge difference and your body looks great!
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