Why am I not full...



  • Los71
    Los71 Posts: 3 Member
    If you're just starting, it's probably normal. I would have to know exactly what you're eating to give you an idea. A common breakfast for me would be 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 4 to 6 egg whites depending if I'm exercising or not. I try to stay off the fruit for a couple of weeks because it turns into sugar, but stick to complex carbs and with the right portion you should be good for 2.5 to 3 hours. Feeling hunger could also mean you're body is metabolizing pretty fast, usually after a workout, let this be a sign to chug 1 or 2 glasses of water and 10 minutes later if you're still hungry, then grab a light snack preferably protein based. Hope this helps!
  • What type of oatmeal r u using? Is it instant.. not good for u and plenty of sugar. Try steel cut oats or old fashion five minute oatmeal. I usually do 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup of milk. I add brown sugar, cinnamon and some type of fruit. Banana, blueberries, peaches or strawberries. If I do strawberries I omit the cinnamon. Butter with toast is good source of protein which keeps u full longer. I like to put peanut butter on a banana.. u can add it to ur toast. Cream of wheat (old fashion not instant). Bob Red Mills have execellent hot cereal that keeps you full. I hope this helps
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I switched from cereal to baked oatmeal (with added brown sugar) with peanut butter and hemp seeds, and one bar keeps me full through lunch.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What type of oatmeal r u using? Is it instant.. not good for u and plenty of sugar. Try steel cut oats or old fashion five minute oatmeal. I usually do 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup of milk. I add brown sugar, cinnamon and some type of fruit. Banana, blueberries, peaches or strawberries. If I do strawberries I omit the cinnamon. Butter with toast is good source of protein which keeps u full longer. I like to put peanut butter on a banana.. u can add it to ur toast. Cream of wheat (old fashion not instant). Bob Red Mills have execellent hot cereal that keeps you full. I hope this helps

    That's a good point. I forgot about instant oatmeal (yuck!) because I don't ever eat mushy oatmeal, only baked.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I add protein to my morning oatmeal .... a scoop of protein powder. You could also try the Quaker Weight Control variety, it has added protein. Maybe add some fat to your breakfast ....a tablespoon of peanut butter mixed in your oatmeal.

    Protien, fiber, and fat all help keep you full longer.

    TRUE! I am a big proponent of eating all macros at all three meals.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    Try adding some lean protein to the mix tomorrow. One egg, 3-4oz. meat, greek yogurt................ Try eating one of these when you get hungry in an hour. See if it gets you to lunch.

    Do you use sugar with your oatmeal/fruit? I'm wondering if your blood sugar is spiking.

    I eat small amounts every few hours and never get hungry. You might want to try that if you can. Look at my diary if you'd like.

    I definitely agree with this.
    I've heard that oatmeal isn't filling for too long. Sucks /:
    The Greek yogurt - now that's what I'm talking about.
    Protein definitely keeps ya good for the time needed.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    You do know that fat makes you feel full, right? Fruit and oatmeal aren't gonna make you feel full.

    I agree completely. Also, because you haven't eaten in over 8 hours or so (I'm generalizing), you should really think about making breakfast a much larger meal than you have probably done in the past. Also, both fruit and grains have a high GI, so they digest quickly, and the sugar hits your bloodstream causing a quick spike. When this falls, you get hungry.
    I typically eat a large vegetable omelette with half of an avocado and a 1/2 cup side of legumes (black beans, black-eyed peas, etc.) in the morning. It starts the day perfectly, and I never feel hungry. I'm very active and usually hit around 1600 calories a day.

    Please feel free to look at my food diary if you'd like.
    I would love to see your diary because that omelet sounds yummy! lol I can't it won't let me see it :/
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Fruit = sugar. Oatmeal, while highy lauded as healthy due to it's fiber, seriously lacks anything else. When I eat a breakfast like this I'm starving in no time.

    What does it for me: Protein, protein, protein, some fat, and a some fiber. My normal breakfast is an egg muffin (1 egg, 1.5oz ham, slice of cheese, on a high fiber english muffin) with a little bit of fruit. This type of breakfast will last me HOURS. Easily till 12:30 or 1pm for about 300 calories, whereas with the equivalent amount of oatmeal, I am hungry by 10.

    Some people tell me I eat a huge breakfast.... but this doesn't really feel huge to me, feels pretty darn normal lol.

    Also drink water. All morning.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I third the lean protein! What really works for me is a breakfast 'sammich' composed of two egg whites, english muffin (Thomas 100 calorie Triple Health) and either a slice of melted cheese or 1/2 avocado and a small portion of fruit - usually some berries or small apple. This combination keeps me full for hours and makes my belly really happy!

    OK, so you eat other fats; why not the egg yolks??? A whole egg is a complete and healthy food.

    To the OP: if I ate fruit and oatmeal for breakfast, not only would I be hungry soon after, it would lead to food cravings and binging all day. Mostly I skip breakfast (intermittent fasting-NOT recommended for everyone but works awesome for me because of how I eat) or I have a high protein, low carb whey shake (from grass fed cows), with either water, almond milk, or coconut milk. A "real" breakfast for me would be an omelet full of veggies/avocado/meat/cheese (mix and match) or meat and eggs. I don't eat anything "diet" or "low fat" EVER. Do I have trouble staying under my calorie goal? No, I have trouble reaching it.