Macros & hunger?

I'm a pretty avid tracker of my macros, making sure I get at least 20g fiber and 50 to 60g protein a day.

I've noticed recently that how full I get from a meal is almost directly dependent on the macros I got from it, NOT the calories.

For example, if I eat a grilled chicken sandwich with 38g carbs and 29g protein for 300 calories, I stay way fuller than if I eat, say, two fiber one bars for 58g carbs and 4g protein, 300 calories. Protein is the BIGGEST determinant to how full I get, and I think fat & fiber play a role too, but carbs don't do squat for my hunger, even if they're fiber rich. If I don't have a good amount of protein, I can pretty much expect to be hungry again an hour or two later.

Idk, maybe this is common sense for some people but for me it's kind of interesting. I always used to worry so much about how many calories were in my meals, when really it's the macros that determine how satiated I get. Has anyone else who pays attention to their macros noticed this?


  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    Yes, and there have been many studies that verify that protein helps with saity.

    You are not unusual in your observation.