Help me along my way? ^_^

Hey everyone!

I've had this profile for quite some time. However, I never really utilised it correctly and used to log chocolate bars and ready meals and when my calories went then I'd stop eating. Its kind of the same viscious circle that I was in when I did Weight Watchers, never really learning to eat properly.

At the start of this year I did Cambridge Weight Plan. I found it easy and I had great results very quickly. I lost nearly 4 stone in 4 1/2 months. As expected though I never completed the program and never went through the maintanance and I ate and ate and ate and 3 1/2 stone later I'm nearly back where I started.

I get that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I go out, mostly because there is always one person to holler insults from a car when your minding your own business walking down the road.

I'd like some buddies to keep me on track, I hope to be able to offer the same for you! Feel free to add me if anyone is interested!! ^_^ I'm looking to shift over 100lbs!