Trying again....

I am not a person who reads posts or writes posts very often but this morning I am in search of some motivation and support. I woke up this morning and felt fat again, really really fat...Here has been my journey the past 20 months. I started WW in Febuary of 2011, breezed through the year with no problems, became addicted to exercise and lost 50 pounds. Switched to MFP in Janaury of this year, still addicted to exercise...cont. to lose weight. Went on vacation in June and that is where it all stopped. I felt like I had worked so hard all these months I was going to allow myself to have a vacation full of eating what I wanted and no exercise...BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER!!!! I kept telling myself when I got back I would jump back on here and start logging my calories again, that I would start working out again, that it would be ok...It's not ok, its 5 months later... I have gained 20 pounds back, stepped into the gym 3 times since June and maybe attempted to log my calories a dozen times in the past 4 1/2 months. Everyday I tell myself I want this, I ask myself WHY I allowed myself to go back down this road and I cannot seem to come up with an answer or at least one that makes since. I am frustrated with myself, clothes that were hanging on me are tight again, you would think that would motivate me but it hasn't. I could go on and on about the stress in my life, the big changes that have happened the past few months, the move we made in September but it really comes down to they are all excuses...I have been LAZY! And I don't really know how to regroup. 5 months ago, you could not beg me to stay out of the gym I was crazed about it, now the though of it seems so daunting. I guess I am looking for some words? Someone else's journey/story? Today really is the first day that I feel any drive to do something, I know this because I posted, I guess I am just looking for some help...Thanks for listening


  • shawntethompson
    shawntethompson Posts: 7 Member
    Good Morning, I am sorry to hear that you have lost that desire lately. You just gotta get addicted again! I started MFP about 4 months or so ago, keeping up with my calories made me start working out. I got so addicted that I started working out at 5:30 in the morning, then again in the afternoon at my office, and then I would go back to the fitness center an hour before they closed to get on the elliptical on elast time! I went on vacation for a week and I only worked out twice while vacationing and when I returned home I simply stopped working out and I stopped logging my food into MFP.
    I only picked up 3 pounds during my break only because I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted, otherwise I would've probably gained 10 pounds back. Today is day three that I am back to being addicted! I'm logging my food in again and I'm working out twice a day!

    You can do it girl! Just do it, thats all it takes, get up get dressed and go work out! When you finish working out the next thing to do is to eat healthy and watch those calories!

    You can do it, get up and go! :-)
  • weloveourboys
    weloveourboys Posts: 133 Member
    The first thing you have to do is stop beating up on yourself. It is really hard to do anything for yourself when you don't like yourself. We are human; there will always be ups and downs. It really comes down to your own mind - try to think positive, and take things one baby step at a time. You haven't "ruined everything," your life is still ahead of you. Just pick yourself up, get to the gym. Don't do everything all at once, ie. don't tell yourself that you must go to the gym everyday, eat clean, etc. Try to do one thing at a time.
  • shawntethompson
    shawntethompson Posts: 7 Member
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Hey girl. Glad to see you back. You know you can do this, but you have to really want to do it. You have to keep in mind that it's a LIFESTYLE, not a diet!!! I, too, went on vacation in May of this year and I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. Trust me, it's hard coming back from a cruise with all you could ever want to eat being at your disposal, but I had to do it because I wanted the pounds off more than I enjoyed the vacation/food. You really just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and make a commitment to yourself that you want to do this for you, for your health, for your life!!! We all fail sometimes. I still eat bad from time to time, but I realize that I've come this far and I still have a ways to go to get to my goal. Therefore, I refuse to allow myself to just lose it altogether. Heck, it's been to hard and too slow to stop now and reverse all the progress I've made. When I fall off the wagon, I just get my butt up and get right back on. If I can do it, you can do it! So come on, let's do this together. You haven't gained all the weight you've lost and that's a plus. Like someone else said, no more beating yourself up. Instead, applaud yourself for having enough motivation to come on here and ask for support. You know what to do, so as Nike would say "Just Do It"!

    I'm here to support and help you in any way that I can. Here's to seeing you regularly again on the boards! :flowerforyou:
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    Hey girl. Glad to see you back. You know you can do this, but you have to really want to do it. You have to keep in mind that it's a LIFESTYLE, not a diet!!! I, too, went on vacation in May of this year and I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. Trust me, it's hard coming back from a cruise with all you could ever want to eat being at your disposal, but I had to do it because I wanted the pounds off more than I enjoyed the vacation/food. You really just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and make a commitment to yourself that you want to do this for you, for your health, for your life!!! We all fail sometimes. I still eat bad from time to time, but I realize that I've come this far and I still have a ways to go to get to my goal. Therefore, I refuse to allow myself to just lose it altogether. Heck, it's been to hard and too slow to stop now and reverse all the progress I've made. When I fall off the wagon, I just get my butt up and get right back on. If I can do it, you can do it! So come on, let's do this together. You haven't gained all the weight you've lost and that's a plus. Like someone else said, no more beating yourself up. Instead, applaud yourself for having enough motivation to come on here and ask for support. You know what to do, so as Nike would say "Just Do It"!

    I'm here to support and help you in any way that I can. Here's to seeing you regularly again on the boards! :flowerforyou:
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you so much for your encouragement, watching you just shed the pounds actaully is what got me back on here!!! Thank you for your support :)
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    You can do it and keep it off this time! Lifestyle change here you come!!!!
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    The first thing you have to do is stop beating up on yourself. It is really hard to do anything for yourself when you don't like yourself. We are human; there will always be ups and downs. It really comes down to your own mind - try to think positive, and take things one baby step at a time. You haven't "ruined everything," your life is still ahead of you. Just pick yourself up, get to the gym. Don't do everything all at once, ie. don't tell yourself that you must go to the gym everyday, eat clean, etc. Try to do one thing at a time.

  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I have the same problem and still struggle daily with it. It helps me to look at things day to day instead of at the longer picture. If I can force myself to go to the gym today, I will worry about tomorrows food and gym tomorrow. KWIM? When you fall off the wagon, you admit it, accept it and move on! Don't worry about the past and your 'failure' (remember, the only time you fail is when you fail to try) to stay on the wagon. Chin up and keep on moving! You can do this!
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    The first thing you have to do is stop beating up on yourself. It is really hard to do anything for yourself when you don't like yourself. We are human; there will always be ups and downs. It really comes down to your own mind - try to think positive, and take things one baby step at a time. You haven't "ruined everything," your life is still ahead of you. Just pick yourself up, get to the gym. Don't do everything all at once, ie. don't tell yourself that you must go to the gym everyday, eat clean, etc. Try to do one thing at a time.

    Agree 1000%!!! And find your motivation... its there it just got lazy temporarily .... find that addiction again and don't give up ... never give up!!
  • prairiedawg2014
    i have been where you are. i know your frustration. but if we want this bad enuf we have to make this a lifetime commitment....not a diet (thats what i keep tellin myself). so, if i fall off the wagon for awhile, i don't let myself go over 10 lbs and im right back on it.
    good luck and i wish you much success! YOU CAN DO IT!!