We didn't have this "Green thing".



  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    good point.........a lot of that is incorporated into my life now, its called being poor and living on a budget :laugh:
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    tattooed, multiple pierced individual who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

    I was with you until there. Then it failed.

    Poor form. Not all tattooed, multiple pierced individuals are dummies.

    WOW. I must be a moron because I have a, single, tattoo. Good job OP. HOW CUTE!

    I have three. And multiple ear piercings. I must be quite the idiot.
    I apologize on that one, I have 3 tattoos and gauges in my ears. I work for a city councillor as an assistant, obviously not stupid. I was trying to hit the GREEN thing. my bad.

    It is a really good thing to post until that point, and that point isn't your fault, like another person said, its a generalization of a generation of people that isn't true. I mean if it were true, my grandfather who is part of the "my generation" that the post talks about would be excluded because he has 7 tattoes, 6 of which he got back then. I have several tattoes and multiple piercings myself that go quite nicely with my 3 college degrees. :)

    But the rest of it is a really good perspective that I wish people would think of these days. "Being green" didn't used to be a "lifestyle", it was just life. I work in SF where they just passed a plastic bag ban, $.10 charge for a brown bag and you wouldn't believe the ridiculous pushback some people give about how inconvenient it is. Convience is why we need to do these things now!
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
  • TanyaGirl76
    TanyaGirl76 Posts: 113 Member
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    DAMN Straight!

    I loved my paper bag book covers!

    I remember paper bag book covers! I used to draw cartoons all over the cover. I also remember taking the glass milk bottles back to the dairy.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    i love this.

    wish things were simpler like that again.

  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    LOVE it! I'm technically not from the generations before the "green thing" but I can agree that green is over rated.
  • Great Post! And I love how all of the 20 somethings are getting offended by that one sentence.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    My thoughts exactly! AND is it our fault that milk jugs aren't reused? Just a thought... And I do feel it is bitter. When did the "my generation is better than yours" contest begin??
    tattooed, multiple pierced individual who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

    I was with you until there. Then it failed.

    Poor form. Not all tattooed, multiple pierced individuals are dummies.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    We also had cashiers who respected there elders, you mind repacking my groceries in paper now. =)
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    tattooed, multiple pierced individual who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

    I was with you until there. Then it failed.

    Poor form. Not all tattooed, multiple pierced individuals are dummies.

    Sometimes it is easy to grasp things by removing our personal sensitivities. The point was not that people with tats are ignorant. The writer was simply pointing out the differences and changes in the generations. Someone may think their tats make them more enlightened and is a way of putting that enlightenment on display while that particular enlightened person may be limited to just what they know.
    There are multiple ways to look at anything written but the best way is to remove our personal feelings and try to grasp the point the author was getting at, not THEIR flaws or limitations. Ya dig?
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    tattooed, multiple pierced individual who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

    I was with you until there. Then it failed.

    Poor form. Not all tattooed, multiple pierced individuals are dummies.

    WOW. I must be a moron because I have a, single, tattoo. Good job OP. HOW CUTE!

    I have three. And multiple ear piercings. I must be quite the idiot.
    I apologize on that one, I have 3 tattoos and gauges in my ears. I work for a city councillor as an assistant, obviously not stupid. I was trying to hit the GREEN thing. my bad.

    It was a good point:) And I understand where you're coming from. It's just a shame that it's lost on such a misrepresentation of people.

    maybe if you had not hijacked the thread because you got put off by the piercing comment more people would have stayed on topic.
  • momswanson
    momswanson Posts: 76 Member
    Give the OP a break! I don't believe that she was putting down all people with tatoos and piercings! It sounded to me like the cashier made a comment to the OP based on what she saw, and the OP did the same to make a point, the point being that perhaps the cashier shouldn't judge people by the bag choices lest people judge them on their appearance! If one small comment at the end of an excellent post offends you to the point where you disregard the entire post, well perhaps folks need thicker skin. Or in the words of my father, "That's what is wrong with this generation, they are too soft!" :wink:
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    tattooed, multiple pierced individual who can't make change without the cash register telling them how much.

    I was with you until there. Then it failed.

    Poor form. Not all tattooed, multiple pierced individuals are dummies.

    WOW. I must be a moron because I have a, single, tattoo. Good job OP. HOW CUTE!

    I have three. And multiple ear piercings. I must be quite the idiot.
    I apologize on that one, I have 3 tattoos and gauges in my ears. I work for a city councillor as an assistant, obviously not stupid. I was trying to hit the GREEN thing. my bad.

    It was a good point:) And I understand where you're coming from. It's just a shame that it's lost on such a misrepresentation of people.

    maybe if you had not hijacked the thread because you got put off by the piercing comment more people would have stayed on topic.

    And look, you fed the hijack.

    Shame. For shame.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Okay, to the people saying she didn't write this. I think we know that, it says it in the first line. However, she posted it under her name putting her support behind it, so the fact that people assume she believes as much is understandable.

    That being said, there is no reason to get overly offended by it, it's just a stupid email about how our generation is a bunch of lazy idiots and all the others were obviously so much better. When I'm old as hell I'm sure I'll feel the same way. I just find that the whole 'whose generation was better' thing pointless. It all comes full circle anyway.
  • great post
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Congratulations on being born at a better time than other people!! I tried so hard to be born back then but it just didnt work and I landed in the seventies :P
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    My grandparents are the most "green" people I know because they lived through the depression... its a shame because people just call them frugal these days.