Need some friends on here! F 22, SW 160 GW 140

My new account's friend level is currently a big goose egg so I'm needing others to be able to snoop and get ideas for meals/exercises!
I'm 22 years old, life's currently on hold because we're on post waiting for husband to ETS. So I have plenty of time to work on my fitness before getting back in the "real world" come January. I'm wanting to get if nothing else CLOSE to my goal weight of 140 by the time we go back to our home town (right before Christmas).

I've been running and using Nike+ to track it but just recently added full body workouts as well. I don't go to the gym because we share a car but I do pretty well using videos off youtube like 30 Day Shred. (I'm on day two!)
Anyways just add me, send a message or not it doesn't matter. Let's be read we just want to creep on each other here. {;


  • amd423
    amd423 Posts: 6 Member
    My friends list needs more people! Please feel free to add me. I also workout at home so it seems we have that in common :)
  • bet3120
    bet3120 Posts: 125
    My new account's friend level is currently a big goose egg so I'm needing others to be able to snoop and get ideas for meals/exercises!
    I'm 22 years old, life's currently on hold because we're on post waiting for husband to ETS. So I have plenty of time to work on my fitness before getting back in the "real world" come January. I'm wanting to get if nothing else CLOSE to my goal weight of 140 by the time we go back to our home town (right before Christmas).

    I've been running and using Nike+ to track it but just recently added full body workouts as well. I don't go to the gym because we share a car but I do pretty well using videos off youtube like 30 Day Shred. (I'm on day two!)
    Anyways just add me, send a message or not it doesn't matter. Let's be read we just want to creep on each other here. {;

    you can add me, be free we are here to support us :)
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I do a combo of workouts (home gym and at least once per week Bikram yoga) Feel free to add me if either of you would like :smile: and welcome to MFP you'll love it!
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 26, always had trouble getting the weight down further on my small 5'1" frame, usually from eventual laziness and lack of motivation. I am starting to run more again (aiming for a 5k 2-3 times a week, and yoga atleast once a week!). Feel free to add me and let's motivate eachother on our healthier journey forward!
