Looking to Drop ~30 LBS and improve overall health

Hello Everyone,

I began a popular workout program a few months ago. It is very popular, and is very high in cardio. I loved it for about 3 weeks. Then I was scheduled to travel, and although I took my DVD's with me. I rarely worked out while on my trip. When I returned to my home, the motivation was gone, and is still gone today. I am looking to get that back.

The difficulty is, I was so pumped to start this other program, and now that I have done so and got my butt kicked. I am not so excited to experience that again. I am thinking about re-introducing myself to fitness and working out by first jogging/running, and sort of working my way back to the INSANE workouts I just jumped into back in August.

I am looking to get to 200 LBS or less. I am currently 230, was 237 when I started (Positive reinforcement from those 7#'s). nevertheless, just looking for some other motivated individuals, who may have found themselves in a similar situation in the past. Where you loss motivation, and somehow regained it.

thank you in advance for your time.


  • :smile:

    Hey you! I am in Brooklyn too. You got this. Just make your meal plans and stick to it. Make your work out schedule and stick to it. Losing weight isnt rocket science - we all know that. It takes will power and determination - which is sometimes more difficult than rocket science. :)

    I have 33 pounds more to go so lets support each other - we can totally do it.