Want to be able to do 20 pull-ups



  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    negatives. do your 1 then jump up to the top position and lower yourself slowly and repeat until you can't do anymore than way, then break and do a few more sets like that 2 times/week
    THIS! got me over the hump -- I was stuck on the resistance band ones for over a year -- 3-5 sets of 3 negatives, 3 times per week, ,for a month, and suddenly I could do it.

    I did my first pull up about 3 months ago.
    Today, I did 10 sets of 5! Once you get it, it's steady progress.
  • JesGilb
    JesGilb Posts: 30
    I cant even do 1! If Im honest I can barely even hang on with straight arms :embarassed: Gonna try some of these ideas myself!

    I'm right there with ya! lol
  • jkeeling39
    You can also try this program:


    I'm currently working through it so I can't really speak to results yet. Sounds like you would be starting on Week -2.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    I will throw in a bone that increasing the pull ups does take some pretty good time. Between my first pull up and being able to hit 20 was right around a year if I do recall. P90X and its related workout sessions was huge in my growth in that area, especially the P90X One on One called "30-15"
    I have wanted to try the assisted pull up machine at the gym I go to because this has been an "out there" "out of reality" goal of mine. I have two issues with the APU machine.
    1) I don't know how to use and too chicken to ask
    2) That area of the gym is where all the muscle guys are and I really don't want to be looked at in any what shape or form for interrupting their area, time, or equipment so I said to the heck with it.

    1) generally there's a pad that you can pull outward, to where if you were hanging from the bars, your knees would rest on it. The weight you can select is the assistance, so you would be pulling up your body weight minus whatever is selected.

    2) the heck with them I'd say. They may be muscle guys but they weren't born that way and that doesn't entitle them to sole use of the equipment! ^_^

    Now get on that thing your next go-around :-P