Food you refuse to give up?



  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    There is really nothing I can think of...if you eat in moderation you are set. Maybe Pizza but really I factored 3 slices in a few days ago to my fitness plan..still worked out and was below my calories and ate as per the candian food guide.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    Dessert, cheese, and pasta/bread. I'm trying to cut back but sometimes it's hard.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    whole milk, real cheese and butter... basically fats. I can't even imagine why anyone would want to use 2%, it's milky water.

    I can't imagine why anyone would like whole milk! haha. I drink skim or 1% and I always have, I find whole milk really heavy and kind of icky. To each their own!
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I don't know that I have actually "given up" on anything, but I eat eggs and cheese pretty regularly and just work them in as protein/fat sources. I'm not sure I could give up pasta either.
  • issystclaire
    issystclaire Posts: 113 Member
    Coffee. Don't care about the caffeine, accidity, and blah blah blah.

    I don't eat processed sugars, I gave up chocolate for the moment (*tear!), I don't eat gluten, I don't eat junk food, I don't eat fast food, I barely even eat out at nicer restauraunts, and I have restrcited my alochol intake to once a month!

    So, coffee is my last little joy/indulgence and I will drink as much as I want to and not feel guilty about it. :smile:
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    whole milk, real cheese and butter... basically fats. I can't even imagine why anyone would want to use 2%, it's milky water.

    You do know that whole milk is only 3-4%, right?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Seems this thread is really about milk.

    I drink skim milk. It's dreamy.

    It boasts a decent amount of protein for the calories, and goes into tea wonderfully. A nice cold glass of it is awesome as well, especially with a chocolate chip cookie.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Coffee. Don't care about the caffeine, accidity, and blah blah blah.

    I don't eat processed sugars, I gave up chocolate for the moment (*tear!), I don't eat gluten, I don't eat junk food, I don't eat fast food, I barely even eat out at nicer restauraunts, and I have restrcited my alochol intake to once a month!

    So, coffee is my last little joy/indulgence and I will drink as much as I want to and not feel guilty about it. :smile:

    Hrm, I have all of those things, AND I drink coffee too.

    Except the booze. I generally lost interest in booze many years ago.
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    Haven't given up any's all about portion size and moderation. If you deprive yourself of a food you love you're more likely to binge on it later.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Cheese. Any kind. Can't live without it.

    Sadly -- this is one of my downfalls
  • nmn2
    nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
    I don't cut out anything. At all. If I want to work it in my daily allowance I will. I enjoy food. Yes I want to lose weight but I'm not going to deprive myself from anything. If I want pizza, then I'll have a slice of pizza. You've got to do what works for you. I've lost 83lbs. I get people commenting on my diary that I'm eating too many carbs. So what? What I'm doing is working for me, so I'll carry on doing it.

    I feel the exact same way! I love food, in the past I have tried cutting things out my diet and it just makes me want it more and has always lead to a failure!
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I refuse to give anything up. My tagline is "everything in moderation" - and I mean everything. I allow myself to eat literally whatever I want, but just not TOO MUCH of it. As long as it fits in my macros it's fine. Why should I give up pizza or chocolate or whatever when I can plan to have it and it will fit into my macros?
  • SlimReggieBack
    SlimReggieBack Posts: 121 Member
    meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and chicken fettucine alfredo.
  • Cheese and chocolate! They make the world go round!
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I will never, ever, ever give up chocolate.
  • Cube steak and Nutella. Both are fattening but I always cut the serving size in half so I feel better knowing I didn't eat as many calories as I could have.
  • HakunaMatata519
    HakunaMatata519 Posts: 141 Member
    I haven't cut out anything completely but my favorite non-diet friendly food is ice cream, for SURE.

    I can either have the 1/2 cup serving size of REAL ice cream like ben and jerrys, or buy light stuff and get a whole cup. The other day I split one of those chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches with my husband. Hit the spot!!
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    Dark chocolate. I have a piece or 3, every night. ;)
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't want for anything so long as at the end of the day I'm close to my net calorie allowance. I also allow myself to go well over my allowance once or twice per month for parties, weddings etc....
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member