A trip through time. (childhood obesity, pics and updates)

so ive been thinking. did i ever know what it was like to be skinny? then I started thinking back...

the middle of senior year- rock bottom. or top? either way i was 310 pounds.

the beginning of high school? no sir no sir. i came in to my freshman year near 265 and quickly jumped to 280 by my 15th bday.
in fact, heres a photo:
at least i had friends. oh look heres another:

ok, most kids if they do gain weight, start gaining during puberty. so lets travel back farther. look at 12 year old maddy, right before puberty.
LOL no, try again.

age 7?
ah well at least i didnt have love handles. i remember here i was 100 pounds. and i was tormented my a malnourished crack baby of similar age that lived next to me. well we continue forth and backward! haha

age 3? finally probably a healthy weight for my age. i still had chubby cheeks and sipped soda from a sippy cup (still love you tho, mama.)

this is for people who dont know what a healthy weight feels like. im with you, and we can get there! this is my past and i cherish my childhood but im ready to step into the world as an adult who is healthy. and can and will do the same (be you 18 or 90- now is always the time to start!) I have lost very close to 70 pounds since February. using THIS lovely site. i have not been in the 240s since 6th grade. and it is amazing and gets better every day.

I am ready to become the beautiful woman I was always ment to be.
^^^^work in progress on the beautiful woman thing <3

feel free to add me I love talking to people. have a wonderous day MFP!


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Congratulations on your success to date! You're right... it's hard to even know what you're aiming for when you've never been there before. But keep pushing on! Trust in the process. You're obviously doing everything right.

    I was chubby as a kid too... about 152lbs in 8th grade, 178 in 10th and hit a high of about 218 when I was 24 yrs old... when I was 26 I made the commitment for the first time to take if off. I lost over 60 lbs and hit 152 again... a number I hadn't seen since I was 12. It took a long, LONG time for my brain to catch up. I'm not sure it really did after maintaining that loss for a couple of years even (until I got pregnant).

    It's a lifelong process... and you're doing it! :bigsmile:
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    thank you for the response! its weird. i feel like theres a strange empty space all around me where fat used to be.
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    You are a beautiful woman. You are beautiful and loved in all of those pictures. You are on your way to becoming a fit and trim woman.
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    good point! i know im beautiful, I just think its being covered up by a fat blanket lol. its pretty amazing how my self esteem has held up through the ages. lol. it pays to be funny XD
  • inflationary
    inflationary Posts: 23 Member
    I'm with you! let's be friends.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Wow, your doing an amazing job! Congratulations on your weight loss thus far. That is true inspiration. I've been over weight since I was about 8. The highest I've been is 260. True inspiration thank you for sharing!
  • Goldie2u2
    Goldie2u2 Posts: 40 Member
    What a wonderful inspiration! You ARE and WERE always a "beautiful" woman..now your just a healthy and fit beautiful woman! I am very proud of you! Keep up the great work!
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Wow, this is so inspiring! What a great job you are doing at reinventing yourself, congratulations you beauty! :)
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    its so fun to be able to run up the stairs without a problem! i recall senior year hobbling up the many stairs and being pretty violently out of breath (tried my best to keep up with my friends and not look like a heaving whale) and thats no longer an issue. little things really make a huge impact. so all of you that even only lost maybe 5 pounds, think about what has changed!
  • soulfulsally
    Your story is inspiring! You are making it happen!!!

    And about the stair climbing....I can relate big-time. Recently took up running again and when someone passes me on the track I try so hard not to look like how I feel on the inside (like I'm dying, lol). Good thing very few people are on the track or I'd pass out from holding my breath in so much. :embarassed:
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I love this post! SO honest! And yes this is my life story as well..I was 100lbs in kindergarten so I know exactly how you feel. And I know we can do this! :)