Kind of a RE-introduction

Hi everybody,

My name is Kaitlyn and I have been using MFP for a few years now. Recently I deleted my old account because I felt myself slipping back into my old lifestyle. I decided to delete that account and create a new one as a representation of a new beginning and me really getting serious this time. So... I'm looking for friends again! Preferably ones with similar goals, weights, age as me.. but anybody's welcome!

Age: 22
Highest weight: 173
Current weight: 127
Goal weight: 124

Let's be friends!


  • Your current weight is quite a drastic change from your highest weight! Good job.

    Good luck reaching that goal weight - even though it's only 3 lbs, those last few can be really tough!
  • spragukr
    spragukr Posts: 81 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'm 21 years old and I am currently maintaining, hit my goal weight about 3 weeks ago and am slightly under it now.

    My current weight is 125.
  • xenofon
    xenofon Posts: 8 Member
    good luck.. its hard to stay focus sometimes but u can do it...
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far!! You can totally do the next few! :) Good luck with it!!
  • ss2390
    ss2390 Posts: 1
    Hey, my name is Sarah. Congrats on your weight loss.

    I just signed up with myfitnesspal just now.

    My goal weight is 120-125. Right now I'm at about 148.

    This is very new for me.