Enough is enough

Hi I'm Ryce!

I just can't stand being the way I am anymore. I'm 18 and I'm pretty sure I weigh 200 or more pounds. I don't have a scale to know for sure.Today my mom told me she ways 143 pounds and it really upset me because she wasn't saying it like she was just generally happy she weighed that, but in a way to make me feel bad because I weigh more. Recently my friend lost 5 pounds in a week and is on a diet and it has motivated me to want to diet as well. It's just really hard and I really need support from others. I've tried diet pills and even not eating to lose weight and it wasn't working. Now i want to do this the right way. I'm determined to lose 60-70 pounds on the 1300 calorie diet. Please help me as I try to reach my goal.


  • Ryce, it's not impossible! However, 1300 calories is a real big deficit at this moment. First off, I would try and change your lifestyle - eat healthier, cut out things like pop and greasy food. That alone and you'll see changes without doing anything.

    Hit the gym, do some walking around the block, ease yourself into a program that will get you moving.

    As you get your body accustomed to exercise and healthy eating - work on full body exercises and slowly cut calories (especially if you've never worked out or dieted before).

    The most important thing to remember is that you won't see changes overnight! Work hard, stay positive and stay on track. Imagine yourself thinner and that will help motivate you.
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Hi Ryce! and welcome! I will send you a friend request. I had reached the point of being tired of being tired also but it took me a lot longer to get to that point. It can be done! start slowly... make small changes that you can stick with....don't try to change over night.... DON'T GIVE UP!!
  • Totally agree with Jayhoang's advice...you have to start by cutting all the non healthy foods , start being more active and do not give up if you do not see any changes right away..it will come! NEVER EVER GIVE UP!
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Ryce........you can do this. There are alot of people on MFP trying to get healthier. You can friend me if you would like.
  • rmojo13
    rmojo13 Posts: 80 Member
    There is some solid advise already given by the other posters. If you make those smaller changes to your life and don't set your expectations so high (example: losing 25lbs in a month or something like that), you will succeed. Hang in there and log in EVERY DAY and Log your food intake EVERY DAY, even on the not so good days. (I had one of those days today) The support here is fantastic and I know if you stick to it you will be one of those posters who go on the message boards and say "Can't believe it's been a year! 60lbs gone with pics"

    Best of luck to you. You can do it!
  • Drink a lot of water and whatever you do DON'T compare yourself with anyone's weight loss. Also know we ALL have what I call our "hungry" days. When that happens, perhaps you can talk a 30 minute walk, or whatever moves you to exercise. And whatever you do, forgive yourself. The point of power is in the present moment. Be motivated for the right reasons, namely yourself! :love:
  • Stay strong & be encouraged. One step at a time, helped me lose 52 pounds with 23 more to go to my goal!

    Friend me :smile:
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Ryce, it's not impossible! However, 1300 calories is a real big deficit at this moment. First off, I would try and change your lifestyle - eat healthier, cut out things like pop and greasy food. That alone and you'll see changes without doing anything.

    Hit the gym, do some walking around the block, ease yourself into a program that will get you moving.

    As you get your body accustomed to exercise and healthy eating - work on full body exercises and slowly cut calories (especially if you've never worked out or dieted before).

    The most important thing to remember is that you won't see changes overnight! Work hard, stay positive and stay on track. Imagine yourself thinner and that will help motivate you.

    Great advice.

    I feel like if you try to make too many drastic changes at once, you are setting yourself up to fail. You have to make a lifestyle change in order to keep the weight off in the long run. Definitely log your food. I was utterly disgusted with myself once I really started to log everything. It was frightening to see exactly what I was putting into my body. After you can see what you are doing, substitute healthier foods. For the first two months after I hit my heaviest, all I changed was my food. We cut eating out to once a week and started eating lots of fresh veggies. I dropped 7lbs fairly quick. Then I really started hitting the gym. Like I said, it's a lifestyle change.

    You can do it. You have to believe in yourself. There is so much support on this site. Feel free to friend me. I like to motivate just as much as I like to receive it. Good luck with your journey!