What am I doing wrong?

Ok, so I know I'm expecting too much. I started like 2 weeks ago now. About 12 days ago I got serious. I lost 3lbs in the first week when I joined MFP. I cut calories, ate healthy and started to do DVD workouts and my elliptical. I also quit drinking soda after day 5. Its been 9 days without soda. I'm still within my calories, and I'm working out daily. Yesterday was my first "break" my DH thought I needed one.
2 years ago, before I had my son, I quit soda and dropped 11lbs in 2 weeks. Here I am at week 2 weigh in and I've still only lost 3lbs.
What gives?
Other info, I have PCOS.

Should I expect to lose weight next week, or am I doing something wrong? I did have a few days over the weekend that I ate junk, but I was still within calories, just empty calories. ya know?
I feel better, I have lost a few inches, but I'm not seeing loss on the scale.


  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    DOn't give up!! People want to see the numbers go down but its not all about numbers if ur loosing inches thats great!!! Try not to focus on the scale and just go by how ur clothes r fitting for awhile. Plus with working out u might be gaining muscle and thats why u don't see a big drop on the scale.Hope this helps. :happy:
  • nolan_84
    It's easy to get frustrated when the scale isn't moving. If you're doing both cardio and strength training, then keeping your calories within the target, its only a matter of time before you see more results with weight loss. Personally, my weight is up and down about 2lbs every day, mainly because I'm not consistent w/ drinking the same amount of water each day. I'd stay with it one more week, then if you're still the same weight, perhaps modify you're carb/protein/fat ratios. add 5% to your protein and take 5% away from carbs, then see what happens over those next 2 weeks.
  • jdramage
    My advice is to not feel in a rush. Permanent weight loss takes time. Everything I read says you should lose 1 to 2 pounds each week. If you lose it too fast by being too drastic with calories and exercise you're more likely just to gain it back. If you're doing the right thing of following your calorie intake and exercising, the weight will come off eventually. It's a matter of science. More calories burned than consumed equals weight loss. As far as soda goes, you really shouldn't ever have it. There's absolutely nothing good in it. I definitely understand the draw of it though. So if it's your vice, don't deprive yourself but maybe allow it once a week. Then you won't have severe cravings and end up going overboard. I really like diet coke but I try to limit that too just because of the aspartame. Good luck!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Everyone loses weight at different rates. Your body could be adjusting to this new lifestyle. Are you eating your exercise calories, or at the very least, a portion of them? If not your body will hold onto what it can in fear of starving. Up your water intake if you're not drinking enough, watch how much sodium you're eating, and just give yourself some time. If you're losing inches then ignore the scale. There are so many ways to measure weight loss success. Keep on at it. In no time you'll see 20 lbs gone...then even more! :)
  • lswatson111304
    lswatson111304 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone.
    I'm doing great with the soda. I do get cravings when I see my husband drinking one, but I only had 1 bad headache, and now i'm generally tired. I figure another week and I'll be over that tired feeling from no soda. I really don't want to give in on that one. I just assumed with none at all, It would have helped me to lose the weight.
    I'm not eating back my calories, and I am actually worried that might be the problem. I guess I should watch that. I've gotten pretty low. Like today for instance, I've had less than 500 calories. I still have to eat dinner though.
    This is so hard. I want it to be a permanent change, I dont want to gain it all back. I enjoy working out and realy push myself, and I am enjoying all the new foods I've tried. I'm not going to give up.
    I was worried about the lbs because I'm on a challenge on another message board and it is based on wt loss percentage like TBL, so I don't want to let my team down. I'm psyched about the lost inches though!
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    It's really important that you eat the calories you burn, too. Be sure you're eating the calories throughout the day and not just saving them up for dinner. You want to make sure you have an adequate amount of fuel throughout the day to keep your metabolism going.
  • krg918
    krg918 Posts: 36
    I drank alot of pepsi's. When I decided to be more conscience about my body and diet, I alllowed my self one a week. I now maybe have one a month and only on special occasions. Took my family out for dinner last weekend and drank water when everyone else had sweet tea(my favorite), that was excrutiating, but i had cheese fries, so, i would have been better off with the tea! Oh well

    I also lost inches instead of wt for the first month. Maybe only lost a 1 lb a week (over the holidays, that was a real victory for me, because i like to bake and make candy for everyone). So hang in there. Maybe add alittle extra time each time your on the elliptical!!

    The whole process is about changing our habits, so if your sticking with your calorie count and exercise, count that as an achievement!!!

    Also i agree, dont save up all your calories for your last meal of the day, otherwise if your still under, your going around eating bad calories @ the end of the day when you where good for the rest of the day. I know you need so many calories a day, but if you have left over calories @ the end of the day and your not hungry, just skip them. Then tomorrow, work harder on evening out your amount of calories/prot/carbs throughout the day. I usually save a little more for dinner. One day is not going to hurt you aslong as you dont do it everyday. I know, ive been there! I joined in april, was off and on for a few months. Just been since novemeber that ihave been consistent with diet and exercise ans seeing significant wt loss.

    Keep it up!!!