Single, 24, No Kids - Looking for similar

I see a lot of moms, dads, and people older than me. With nothing really in common, nothing wrong with that, just looking for some more ways to connect and understand people. I am a full time student and work full time.

Add me if you are similar and have similar goals.

Current: 144
Goal: 125
Calories: 1300
Interests: Running, Cycling


  • Meeee :) Full time worker, going back to uni next year!

    Current weight: 71.1kg
    Goal Weight: 60kg

    I prefer walking to running :P
  • haverfield2
    single, 23, full time student here too! Old people are just like us except wrinklier though.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I'm not single but I'm not married, I'm 23, and I have no kids...University student, human biology major.
    I don't really like running, but I want to like running...

    5'5", 145lbs, aiming for 140...
  • JG1088
    JG1088 Posts: 38 Member
    Single 24 also CW-165 GW-125 cal goal 1250 into spin classes, zumba, kick boxing
  • Hooray for Human Bio! I have a degree in neuroscience but am going back to do zoology next year.
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    Not single, but I don't have kids. I currently teach at a uni. I'm 26. I'm going back to school next year to finish either my secondary English education degree or elementary school degree. Does that count?

    Current: 192
    Goal: 120-130
    Calories: 1200
    Interests: Walking, Zumba, Dance
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I see a lot of moms, dads, and people older than me. With nothing really in common, nothing wrong with that, just looking for some more ways to connect and understand people. I am a full time student and work full time.

    Add me if you are similar and have similar goals.

    Current: 144
    Goal: 125
    Calories: 1300
    Interests: Running, Cycling

    We're practically the same person!
    I'm 25, single, no kids, full time graduate student
    currently ~145, probably looking to be between 135 and 140
    I aim to net about 1500 and I'm a gym rat, I prefer lifting over cardio, but I try to get some in occassionally!
  • jtallwood
    jtallwood Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there! 24, no kids, graduated from university (LL.B. and MBA) 2 months ago! I love cooking and finding/sharing new recipes, I take various workout classes at the gym (bootcamp, zumba, hiking, etc.). I started running this summer, I have to say that I struggle a little with it haha but I plan on becoming a better runner!
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    Haha, I made a similar post a couple of weeks ago. I'm 25; nutrition major transitioning into nursing. Single, no kids, and I HAVE A YOUNG MINDSET OMG. :D

    But I'm very insightful, trust me!

    I realize that while I want friends in the same age group/similar situation, I cannot stress enough how some of my older friends on MFP have been such good mentors. I've received a lot of wisdom, encouragement, and learned about many things vicariously from their life experiences that they've shared with me. OLD PEOPLE ROCK!!! :D
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    Not single, but not married yet (coming up in May), 27, no kids. Part time student (radiology tech) and unemployed semi house wife.

    Current: 223
    Goal: 165
    Interests: Elliptical, fantasy novels and online gaming (makes it tough to get up off my butt)

    Should be netting around 1500 but usually end up around 1200.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    22, no kids
    1st year working as a physio (is only an undergraduate degree in new zealand)
    glad to be done studying but every day is learning for me!
    I'm currently 74 kg and aiming for 65, lost 6kg already. (I'm 5'8 btw)
    Eating 1340. I like running and my flatmate won us a free 3month gym pass with personal trainer, so i have a PT session every week too.
  • bassett8807
    bassett8807 Posts: 96 Member
    Hey thanks for all of the replies! Thanks for friendship requests! I have added a couple of you as well!!
  • siehatsdrauf
    siehatsdrauf Posts: 320 Member
    I'm not single, not married, 19 years old and I'm German.
    I'm in my first year at uni and I work part-time.
    SW 68.8 kg (152 lb)
    CW 65.2 kg (144 lb)
    GW 57 kg (126 lb)
    I like running, but unfortunately most of the time I'm too scared to run alone, so I don't get the chance to go as often as I'd like to.
    I use my elliptical at home and I just signed up for a soccer- class! Also I'd want to go swimming more often.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • bassett8807
    bassett8807 Posts: 96 Member
    Why would you be scared to run alone?
  • Caitlin42490
    Me tooo!!

    I'm 22, single, just graduated in June and now a full time intern!

    I've been on here since August and have a handfull of friends, and I find that age doesn't really matter to be honest. Everyone is still very supportive and encouraging :)

    feel free to add me!

  • bassett8807
    bassett8807 Posts: 96 Member
    You're right, age isn't super important. I have lots of friends all ages but sometimes it is nice to have someone nearer to your age to be able to better associate with on certain things.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Single, no kids, 25

    SW 241
    CW 168
    GR 158

  • bassett8807
    bassett8807 Posts: 96 Member
    Miss_dannii, what do you enjoy doing as you workout?
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    23 here, full time student at the moment, hoping to go back to University next September (so, looking to be a full time student for quite some time yet) to do vet med. No kids either!

    I'm 140 at the moment, hoping to get down to 110, and I eat at the same calorie level as you. :) Another big runner, I also love swimming and hope to hit the gym a weenie bit more often soon.

    Feel free to add me, there's always space for another runner on my friends list! Just as a quick warning though, I won't be around very much for the next two weeks, as I'm away for a bit- I'll still log though, and comment when I get a chance. But I'll be back full time after that.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    26, single, no kids here.

    Anyone and everyone can feel free to add me. :)