Need Gym help and advice! (Exercises?)

FoxDarling Posts: 9
edited January 2 in Fitness and Exercise
I joined a gym the other day, I'm ready to get slim, fit, and healthy! The only machine I actually know that is great is the steps machine and I love it. But! I actually have knee-issues, they hurt a lot and I'm scared I'm going to dislocate it so I can't do steps all the time (not to mention I climb up and down 3 flights of stairs 3 times a day 4 days a week with my knapsack full of college textbooks so that isn't helping my knees either). I'm 5"5, and 149 pounds.

What I want the most:
Awesome thighs
Tinier butt, but with a nice shape
Flat, toned stomach
To lose weight in general
To not be buff (i know i probably don't have to worry about that happening at all though- just saying it anyways haha)

I just want advice on which machines I should use and how many reps I should do!

:) thanks guys~


  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    I would ask to see if they have a personal trainer and buy a couple sessions so they can show you the ropes. Or you could always ask a gym employee how to use the individual machines correctly (for free!). Find something that you enjoy, as that's what is going to keep you going. And for the body parts you mentioned -- start lifting weights. Nothing burns fat and gives the definition you want like weight lifting, and unless you have a strange hormonal imbalance, are shooting up, or live in the gym and eat a million chickens a day, you will not bulk up -- just get sexy!
  • StrongAtLast
    StrongAtLast Posts: 137 Member
    you can also find a lot of free programs on the web...
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