Counting Calories V's Slimming World

Hiya, unfortunately I am no stranger to dieting and I'm no stranger to MFP either but, I've managed to get my healthy head back on and would really like some pointers and to bounce some ideas off you all.

My main issues are the amount of calories I eat, my slow/non-existent weight loss and hunger. I'm just starting and I want to get it right this time and into something that is sustainable and habit forming.

I'm 4'10" - 35 years old and weighed this morning (calculator time...) 169. My BMI is 35.35 so...obese.
I'm fairly active.

I had a really busy day yesterday and trying to fit it all in my food choices weren't great and at the end of the day I had reached 1500 cals. (According to MFP I should be on 1200 but, I changed that due to hunger issues also). After running around like a lunatic all day I came home at the end of it and was starving....despite being at limit.

I was thinking last night back to a time of successful weight loss and the difference between then and now. At that time I was following Slimming World and the basic principle of that is...Green day, eat as much Carbs (NOT BREAD), fruit and veg as you like. Red day, eat as much lean meat, fish etc, fruit and veg as you like. Include two controlled portions of dairy and two controlled portions of fiber. Anything else you would 'syn' up and I would normally stay between 5-10 syns a day, to give you an idea...a packet of crisps would be 7syns, a slice of white bread (iirc) was about 4syns.

That is the simplified principle in a nutshell and when they said 'eat as much as you like of...' I really did - and I lost weight - slowly, to the tune of about 35lbs. I was never hungry.

Following calorie counting, I'm hungry. Even the night before last filling up on fish, couscous and enough veg to sink a ship...I was hungry, my weight loss is slow and although I've lost some of the bloat and a few inches, my progress isn't what I would like.

So.. what's going on? If I go back to following Slimming World I would blow the calories here out of the water!! But...that was my most successful time losing weight. I would alternate red and green days, I would stick to allowance and have one cheat meal a week and lost. I was, in essence, eating all the time...and lost. Here I restrict myself to a calorie allowance, feel hungry and don't lose as much, or as quickly as I was. A big bowl of homemade chilli on Slimming World was free (obv. using very lean mince) and yet on here that would be a huge calorie count..

All I can think is that I'm just not eating enough using the calorie counting method, I may be small but, apart from an episode of low mood, depression, I guess, over spring/summer (my mum is terminally ill), I move all the time.
I just don't know what to do....I'm confused. Calories in/calories out should be working but it's not, in fact it's making me miserable and the slow progress makes me lose momentum. Is it possible that calorie counting isn't for me?

I had more energy, I felt better mood wise following a different plan than
PS I'm not dissing MFP at all, it too has been a great help...and an eye opener at times! It has probably helped me not put ALL my previous weight back on.


  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Tl:Dr version.

    Slow loss and hunger on MFP compared to Slimming Worlds 'all you can eat' principle using set foods on a set day = better weight loss.

    Sorry, had no idea above post was soooooo long
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Did you work out your BMR?
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Did you work out your BMR?

    I assumed MFP did that all for me...?
  • niamhclem21
    niamhclem21 Posts: 21 Member
    Do you think you ate more healthily on slimming world? Maybe on the red days the cut in carbs boosted your weight loss. You could have a big bowl of homemade chilli just dont have the rice or bread with it. Try using wholegrains as they will fill you longer and try and up your protein. Healthy fats also help curb appetite i find. Try tweaking things and avoid white bread and refined sugar as they are calorie dense with little nutritional value and will leave you starving within an hour
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I did Slimming World for years, so I understand what you mean.

    When I came off Slimming World I found it very hard to adjust to calorie counting, even now I measure out my measly portion of pasta and think 'I could have loads of that on SW'. But I got used to it, and I don't feel hungry even though I eat a lot less.

    At the end of the day, it's all about what works for you. i personally think Slimming World is one of the best 'diets' out there - the only problem with it is it teaches you no portion control.

    You also have to bear in mind it is a 'diet', no matter what they tell you, and not a lifestyle change, or you wouldn't be here trying to lose weight again.
  • I was told not to think of it as a diet because then you would want the things your told you cannot have. Instead reduce your portion sizes to the size of a side plate, eat healthily and drink plenty of water. Exercise at least 30 mins a day.

    Cut your food into small pieces and chew each piece at least 15 times, switch off the TV whilst eating.

    I have lost 1st 3lb over the last 9 weeks doing this, it's a matter of retraining your brain. If you feel hungry between the 3 meals a day, eat fruit of veg.

    You need to eat plenty of complex carbohydrates for breakfast, reduce your carbs a little at lunch and add proteins, then for dinner more proteins and no carbs.

  • trollydollymolly
    trollydollymolly Posts: 107 Member
    I think it is all down to personal preference and what works for you. Maybe you could try and amalgamate the two?

    Personally, I didn't get to grips with Slimming World as I didn't want to have to have different meals from the rest of the family, so calorie counting works for me. I also need to track my food as it is way to easy to 'forget' that biscuit you had with a cup of coffee.

    I also think that a regular amount of decent exercise is also the key - at least three times a week if possible. I do a lot of walking with Molly our dog but I don't count that as my serious exercise and swim 4 x per week.

    You could try varying your daily calories... e.g. divide your weekly calories randomly over the 7 day period - maybe that will help.

    I know the above is of no help to you, but it is just my view.

  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    The first week on calorie controlled I was starving hungry, and couldn't believe that I could do it. But after a week or two it settled down, and I look back on those diary entries and wonder why I was soooo hungry.
    I think your body will adapt, and the best thing about all those diary entries is that you can see where the problem areas are and work on them, it is so that you are learning what makes you a healthy person, so it is not alllll about the lbs on the scale.

    How long have you been using mfp this time round? Maybe stick with it, tweak your choices, and you will be winning.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    i think you need to research your calories... if your hungry suggests they are too low...! Or what your eating is wrong... pack more veggies in they are low cal and fill up the gaps :) easy way to find out your bmr - theres a feature in apps works it out for you :)

  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Thanks guys, reading replies and chewing them all over - going to take dogga for a walk and will be back after a think...
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Did you work out your BMR?

    I assumed MFP did that all for me...?

    MFP will almost always output 1200cals for short women who plug in they want to lose 2lbs a week. If you got for a slightly less aggressive goal, and eat more than your BMR but less than your TDEE you might get a target that doesn't leave you hungry each day, and yet you still lose a decent amount.

    I eat 1650cals plus an extra 250 on days I exercise, and I'm not hungry all the time... plus I'm losing.

    I've been able to sustain this for much longer than 1200cals.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Did you work out your BMR?

    I assumed MFP did that all for me...?

    MFP will almost always output 1200cals for short women who plug in they want to lose 2lbs a week. If you got for a slightly less aggressive goal, and eat more than your BMR but less than your TDEE you might get a target that doesn't leave you hungry each day, and yet you still lose a decent amount.

    I eat 1650cals plus an extra 250 on days I exercise, and I'm not hungry all the time... plus I'm losing.

    I've been able to sustain this for much longer than 1200cals.

    I've just checked, on here it says my BMR is 1360 a day. I've got my setting to 1.5lbs a week and have jiggled about with stuff, but because of my height, no matter what I put in it says 1200.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    I did Slimming World for years, so I understand what you mean.

    When I came off Slimming World I found it very hard to adjust to calorie counting, even now I measure out my measly portion of pasta and think 'I could have loads of that on SW'. But I got used to it, and I don't feel hungry even though I eat a lot less.

    At the end of the day, it's all about what works for you. i personally think Slimming World is one of the best 'diets' out there - the only problem with it is it teaches you no portion control.

    You also have to bear in mind it is a 'diet', no matter what they tell you, and not a lifestyle change, or you wouldn't be here trying to lose weight again.

    Edit coz I forgot to add my comment lol

    I agree with the above, I always lost with Slimming World, but got bored and didn't stick to it and had no portion control what so ever.
    The MFP method is working like a dream for me - It took a few weeks to settle in to it but I don't think I will ever look back.
    Can I suggest you cut your calories slowly? It would help your body adjust to the lower intake and you would be training yourself to control those portions
    Good luck
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    BTW, I left slimming world for financial reasons as my husband had to change jobs and also because the group leader and people in the meeting I attended weren't as motivational as I had previously experienced (the previous group leader was very inspiring and helpful). So thought I could go it alone, so to speak.

    Anyway, off for that dog looks like he's about to burst with frustration haha.
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    If you want to count calories but are not sure how many to eat maybe this will help:
  • I feel your pain :)
    I lost 6 stone on slimming world (should have carried on for at least another 2) but gained it all back again once the switch in my head clicked off...
    I did find their diet great... up to a point. It was easy to follow and good for my brain - eat as much as you want? Yey. Trouble is, after losing 5 stone it got REALLY slow. It does make sense that at some point, you simply can't keep eating the same number of calories unless you majorly up your exercise. The earlier poster is right - Slimming World doesn't really teach you about portion control (I'm sure I am not the only one to have ignored all their suggested portion sizes and scoffed troughs of pasta!). The increasing difficulty made disapointment set in, leading to an increase in hand-to-mouth activity!
    This time I've spent a good 2 years on getting to grips with portion control (there is not a large plate or bowl in my house), and now I am calorie counting with great success past my previous best. For me there is no substitute for monitoring it obsessively.
    But oh, how I miss SW's fusilli with quorn bolognese!!!!
    Good luck :flowerforyou: (if you haven't already and love bread, try Hovis Nimble - so much better than Nimble used to be and an absolute life saver)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If you want to count calories but are not sure how many to eat maybe this will help:
    This. Also, you really don't have to eat 1200 just because you're short. MFP is not always correct when calculating calories, there are other factors not calculated in. I'm 4' 10 1/2" and I eat 1600/day (I manually set this, not guided).
  • mistadj
    mistadj Posts: 43 Member
    Hiya, unfortunately I am no stranger to dieting and I'm no stranger to MFP either but, I've managed to get my healthy head back on and would really like some pointers and to bounce some ideas off you all.

    My main issues are the amount of calories I eat, my slow/non-existent weight loss and hunger. I'm just starting and I want to get it right this time and into something that is sustainable and habit forming.

    I'm 4'10" - 35 years old and weighed this morning (calculator time...) 169. My BMI is 35.35 so...obese.
    I'm fairly active.

    I had a really busy day yesterday and trying to fit it all in my food choices weren't great and at the end of the day I had reached 1500 cals. (According to MFP I should be on 1200 but, I changed that due to hunger issues also). After running around like a lunatic all day I came home at the end of it and was starving....despite being at limit.

    I was thinking last night back to a time of successful weight loss and the difference between then and now. At that time I was following Slimming World and the basic principle of that is...Green day, eat as much Carbs (NOT BREAD), fruit and veg as you like. Red day, eat as much lean meat, fish etc, fruit and veg as you like. Include two controlled portions of dairy and two controlled portions of fiber. Anything else you would 'syn' up and I would normally stay between 5-10 syns a day, to give you an idea...a packet of crisps would be 7syns, a slice of white bread (iirc) was about 4syns.

    That is the simplified principle in a nutshell and when they said 'eat as much as you like of...' I really did - and I lost weight - slowly, to the tune of about 35lbs. I was never hungry.

    Following calorie counting, I'm hungry. Even the night before last filling up on fish, couscous and enough veg to sink a ship...I was hungry, my weight loss is slow and although I've lost some of the bloat and a few inches, my progress isn't what I would like.

    So.. what's going on? If I go back to following Slimming World I would blow the calories here out of the water!! But...that was my most successful time losing weight. I would alternate red and green days, I would stick to allowance and have one cheat meal a week and lost. I was, in essence, eating all the time...and lost. Here I restrict myself to a calorie allowance, feel hungry and don't lose as much, or as quickly as I was. A big bowl of homemade chilli on Slimming World was free (obv. using very lean mince) and yet on here that would be a huge calorie count..

    All I can think is that I'm just not eating enough using the calorie counting method, I may be small but, apart from an episode of low mood, depression, I guess, over spring/summer (my mum is terminally ill), I move all the time.
    I just don't know what to do....I'm confused. Calories in/calories out should be working but it's not, in fact it's making me miserable and the slow progress makes me lose momentum. Is it possible that calorie counting isn't for me?

    I had more energy, I felt better mood wise following a different plan than
    PS I'm not dissing MFP at all, it too has been a great help...and an eye opener at times! It has probably helped me not put ALL my previous weight back on.

    I dont want to put my foot in my mouth because im new here also BUT, this MFP dont seem to be a site to really tell you what you should do...more a guide. I think that if you do what worked for you before, then go back to it and use this as a tracking log...NOW...with that being said...The key question is...If it worked so well before, what made you fall off???

    The problem, In my opinion, with that its something ppl do to get a specific result in a specific amount of time. So that means drastic changes and when you get the want to go back to what makes you happy...but...that gains the weight back.

    I had to look at it this way. I can eat what i like with some adjustments i can live with .SLOWLY...and reach my goal..SLOWLY...or i can rush it...and drive myself crazy...over and over. Im never going to be a 100% healthy eater...but I know ill be comfortable with what i get.
  • TiffanyAching
    TiffanyAching Posts: 50 Member
    i do SW and i log on here (because the SW food diary is so not user friendly) and i find that i am usually more or less around MFPs calorie goal anyway. if i'm over, it's because i've overdone the syns. following SW rather than straight calorie counting means i make more sensible choices though, so i keep doing it.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Did you work out your BMR?

    I assumed MFP did that all for me...?

    MFP will almost always output 1200cals for short women who plug in they want to lose 2lbs a week. If you got for a slightly less aggressive goal, and eat more than your BMR but less than your TDEE you might get a target that doesn't leave you hungry each day, and yet you still lose a decent amount.

    I eat 1650cals plus an extra 250 on days I exercise, and I'm not hungry all the time... plus I'm losing.

    I've been able to sustain this for much longer than 1200cals.

    I've just checked, on here it says my BMR is 1360 a day. I've got my setting to 1.5lbs a week and have jiggled about with stuff, but because of my height, no matter what I put in it says 1200.

    If your BMR is 1360, you can eat at least that a day. Now work out your TDEE and aim for 20% below that. You should fit in nicely between your BMR and your TDEE.

    That extra 160 cals could make all the difference. You need to look at what you eat as well. For example, foods high in protein will fill you up for longer.