supersize me: mcdonalds experiment



  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I wonder if McDonalds would sponsor me to do a reverse of this, where I ate all my food for a month from mcdonalds and ended up just fine...

    Copy cat.

    sorry, I didn't see your post because it fell in the irrelevant zone of the discussion at the time...

    The irrelevant zone being anywhere from the 2nd reply, to the next to last reply of any discussion.
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    My son was 8 yrs old when he watched that. Hasn't touched anything from McDonald's since.
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    What is McDonalds?
  • nkyjennifer
    nkyjennifer Posts: 135 Member
    After you watch Super Size Me, watch Fat Head. Both make good points, but take it all with a grain of salt.

    We choose what size fries we order, if we even order them, and no amount of "would you like to super size that" is going to force a thinking person into stuffing themselves (as Spurlock does) to the point of vomiting.

    The real answer to a healthy diet lies somewhere between the two documentaries and the message is essentially: everything in moderation, with a focus most of the time on whole foods.
  • samlankford
    ugh I can't even SMELL fried food without it sending my stomach into a full out hissy fit.... like getting stuck behind that idiot that drowns themselves in perfume instead of SHOWERING!! :bigsmile:
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    I liked "Fat Head" better. It countered a lot of Super Size Me. Neither were perfect, but Fat Head was a lot better I thought. Funny too.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Made me think of this poster...


    Yikes :noway:
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    What is McDonalds?

    I see what you did there.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    actually he made a point to eat everything on the menu, not just the highest options.
    but please, continue to be snarky, that's much more to entertainment value.

    Wrong. He kept track of everything he ate, but he has refused to release the list for 8 years. Know why? Because it doesn't add up. You can eat 5000 cals maybe 2 days at McD's, but then you'd have trouble hitting 3500 cals most days. Unless you got supersize sodas and refilled them 3x. It just doesn't math out.

    For the record, I eat a McDonalds virtually every day. It's convenient, cheap, and it's 80 degrees in LA and I can chill out in thier AC and use the free wi-fi. And strangely enough, I've lost 50 lbs, lowered my BF, cholesterol, BP, lowered my heart rate. Perhaps I'm just a genetic freak? No, it's that the SuperSize Me doc was borderline slanderous. I will say that watching it got me to stop drinking regular soda and switch to diet. Drinking 1000 cals a day was crazytime.

    Also, thanks OP, for making me feel old as dirt. I can't even chide you for just now seeing it because you were too young to see it when it came out. I will now go take my Geritol Metamucil cocktail
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    probably late watching this but im watching

    at the minute.

    really opens your eyes to obesity and mcdonlds!! unhealthy!!

    I know it's nuts, eat in a surplus and you get fat. Totally eye opening

    Just like Fathead, eat in a deficit and lose weight, mind blowing film making

    Just because it needs repeating.
  • LizadlcD
    Hi, I just started on Tuesday and lost 4 lbs. I have always eaten the right foods, no fast foods, no junk food....but still I am 30lbs overweight, (pic. 2009) I know, it is because I eat too much of the good I will have 3 bananas a day...i know it is a no, no but still did it..... I am excited but I have been in the same situation of starting to watch what I eat and something triggers me to change again and go back to eating too much of the good stuff......any help with this??
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    What was distrubing to me when I watched the film was how the McD french fries didn't mold, they sat for a month looking the same while other french fries molded because it's real food. I read online that McD french fries are not vegetarian because they put all kinds of things into it at the factory.

    I don't get this because anything under certain conditions mold. Take a plastic cup, put a little bit of water in it and after a few days it will mold. It has nothing to do with being "real food" or not.
  • bricktowngal
    is it 2004 again?

    The awkward moment you realize you are old because the poster was too young at the time to get your reference.

    Exactly that! hahaha
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    Not sure if anyone has brought up the point on the size of the meals (I didn't see anyone say it). For those of you that say it made McD get rid of their Supersize you should re-evaluate the size menu. After the backlash this movie caused all fast food joints upped their sizes. Small became Medium, Medium became Large, and Large became Supersize/Kingsize/whateversize. A small back in the supersize days is equivalent to most places "value fries" now.
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    Sure, there is better quality food out there, but fast food is not exactly lead burgers with with cyanide sauce on a radioactive bun.

    THANK YOU! I'm so tired of the "it's not real food" vein of commentary. Does it contain calories? Protein, carbohydrates, fat? Yes? Then it's "real" food. Do they add in extra stuff? Sure. Poison that will strike you dead if you consume a single cheeseburger? Nah.
  • lindsiswatchingyou
    lindsiswatchingyou Posts: 114 Member
    I prefer the Super High Me version by Doug Benson. ;)

    I love that one!
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I could really go for a big mac now...