Question for you all...



  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I am so glad to hear a lot of you that do the 1200 are netting. If you feel not netting 1200 is working for you, then do what you need to, but if you start to get fatigue or any lacking side effects, I hope you do consider some alternatives. I keep hearing people were losing hair!! That would freak me out! I have PCOS, so it is an expected side effect, and I have lost a lot of hair over the years so it is a lot thinner than it used to be, but if that happened with no medical issues, I would get nervous too!

    Most people I see asking the questions about being stalled or the weight isn't moving, a lot of times it seems they eat a bit too low, and could be a big reason why they are stuck. I know now that is why I hit a plateau and just wouldn't budge and had to research to find the best thing for me to try.

    I am not just speaking of people at 1200, I kinda just used that as an example because it is the most "hyped" number you see on these boards, and seems to be the bare minimum for most people, it is more the netting vs eaten. Like I said I came here and had no clue what that meant lol