ugh... 5 mo post baby weight

Still working on that post baby weight. I stopped losing at 7 weeks post partum. Since July I've lost 3 lbs on average. I eat about 1300 cal a day, workout at least 3 times a week (hard to do when I work full time and have an infant). I know, 9 months on 9 months off. I need to lose 10 lbs. just venting. I've upped my veggies and am trying to up my water intake.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? If you are, you might not be getting enough calories - 1300 is pretty low for a breastfeeding mother.
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,082 Member
    I lost 20 lb in a year, starting when my 2nd child was 5 months old. You can do it! I lost it in waves, taking breaks to practice maintaining.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    stopped breast feeding 1 month ago. no possible way to do it/pump at work.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    It took you 9 months to put on the weight, it will take you 9 months to lose it.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I think I was around 6mo PP before I lost all the weight I'd gained (30lbs). I lost all but 6lbs 2weeks PP. I BF for 4 months as well.

    Now getting the body parts to get back to normal... that's another battle.
  • pinchaninch1
    pinchaninch1 Posts: 8 Member
    Ditto, Just the same here! I was a size 10 now im a 14! If one more person says the 9 months to gain it 9 months to lose it I think Im gonna scream!!! I plan to start my mission today! Classes (im forcing myself) and healthy eating. Im just not buying junk unless its weightwatchers and I always have fresh fruit and veg for babys weaning so that makes it easy! think thin ....oh and watch things like embarrassing fat bodies lol that does the trick!
  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    Ditto, Just the same here! I was a size 10 now im a 14! If one more person says the 9 months to gain it 9 months to lose it I think Im gonna scream!!!

    9 months my @$$! My son is 3 and a half. haha ... its sooo hard to lose baby weight for some people, of which I am one :(
  • pinchaninch1
    pinchaninch1 Posts: 8 Member
    I know! lol all the people who have said that are rakes! I did a tummy class today and I have no muscles there anymore -(