hey guys need lots of tips!!!

ercaluc Posts: 2 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
hi im new, had a baby about three months ago and i gained sixty lbs with this one!! i really need to lose it, dh is deployed n although im not trying to lose weight because i dont think he'll love me at this weight, i just want him to come home to the old me, fun and happy, my attitude totally changes when im strugglin with my weight. so if you guys have tiops and advice dont hold back!!


  • Twylla
    Twylla Posts: 51
    Well i think you made a great first step with joining myfitnesspal :) I love this website the people are filled with info. But as for your weight loss. I know you mentioned you just had a baby 3 months ago which is awesome! First step is to follow how many calories it suggests for you on here. Then the next step would be excercising... :) Good luck with your weight loss!
  • I sort of follow Weight Watchers so I CAN actually eat something if I want it. I also have found that working out at home (on a schedule if you can) helps. I can't seem to do they gym thing with the kids. Also, if you can eat about the same thing for breakfast and lunch each day (at least similiar) calculating your points is easier because then you really only have to figure out your points for dinner. Quick and easy is what works best for me. I also use (or follow Slim in 6 a Beachbody DVD) and it's been good so far. I am starting my third week tomorrow. I have a four year old and an 8 year old and have managed to do it 6 times a week both weeks so far. Even walking the baby in the stroller would be good to start. What really seems to help me the most is having other people to do this with me! Our group does a weigh in each Wednesday, and we meet at work twice a week to work out together...the accountability of knowing they are going to ask me how I did keeps me going! Having ready made healthy snacks prepared and portioned out also helps when you do have the urge to snack. Don't even buy the junk food if you plan on losing the weight...Chips are gone from here!!! If you do buy them, you can count portion them into smaller bags so you don't over eat, and logging your food on here will help hold you accountable for how well (or bad) you are doing with your calorie intake each day. Remember it looks better on the plate...or in the package...then it does on you! ;) Good luck. Hope that helps with some ideas!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Drink you water. Measure and weigh you food. Portion control. Are you breastfeed as I know you should allow yourself more calories for you milk supply. Baby steps. Good luck to you!
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