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  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Will you take a break Ice and eat lunch with me?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Is it your lunchtime DVS? I would love to eat my lunch with you!

    Where is our Pirate?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Can't you see me typing with my mouth full?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Did you know it looks like a *kitten* blizzard out there?
  • mtpayne5
    mtpayne5 Posts: 350 Member
    Did you know it is 50 here?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Is it your lunchtime DVS? I would love to eat my lunch with you!

    Where is our Pirate?

    You mind if I join you ladies for lunch to make it the sexiest lunch ever?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Did you know it is 50 here?

    Did you know it's still in the 30's in Georgetown? that air is coming though!!!
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    That's cold! Did you hear about the tornado watch in Atlanta?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Is it your lunchtime DVS? I would love to eat my lunch with you!

    Where is our Pirate?

    You mind if I join you ladies for lunch to make it the sexiest lunch ever?

    Did your G-sizzle sense tingle when I asked where you were?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Is it your lunchtime DVS? I would love to eat my lunch with you!

    Where is our Pirate?

    You mind if I join you ladies for lunch to make it the sexiest lunch ever?

    Did your G-sizzle sense tingle when I asked where you were?

    Do you want to know what really tingled?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Will you tell me if I say yes?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    IF you said yes...AND IF I told you, would you still be MSL?
  • mtpayne5
    mtpayne5 Posts: 350 Member
    Is there anything better than Kale?
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    IF you said yes...AND IF I told you, would you still be MSL?

    My Secret Lover?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    IF you said yes...AND IF I told you, would you still be MSL?

    My Secret Lover?

    No, but you're not going to sing that song are you?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    IF you said yes...AND IF I told you, would you still be MSL?

    Would you believe me if I answered yes?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Is there anything better than Kale?

    Isn't that bearded dragon food?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    IF you said yes...AND IF I told you, would you still be MSL?

    Would you believe me if I answered yes?

    Isn't there a lot of IF's in this scenario?
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Alright, yes and yes. Shouldn't everyone have a bit of mystery in their lives?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Do you think a scientist is opposed to accepting mysteries?