HELP ME keep my dog off the furniture.

auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
I have a 45 pound dalmatian/pit bull mutt who is almost always PERFECTLY behaved.

Except for the fact that she thinks anything comfortable to lay on is hers. If I drop a sweater or pillow on the floor and forget to pick it up right away-- boom, she assumes ownership and it's covered in a million white hairs instantly.

Now, I drop it on the floor, my problem because it's the floor for pete's sake.

But this sweet dog KNOWS that the furniture is off-limits. She has NEVER been allowed on it-- I am mildly allergic to her so her hair makes me itch like mad if I rub up on it. Hence the rule-- Only lately she has been breaking it. If I leave something up on the couch so she can't climb up while I am gone, she'll knock it down. She'll be settled in her bed when I go to sleep, get up at 3am to pee and she's on the couch looking guilty. Leave my bedroom door open too long and she's taken up residence on my bed.

NOT okay. I have airway issues if I am engulfed in dander, and I definitely don't want to have to get rid of her because, like I said, she's almost perfect otherwise- but I am at my wit's end about what to do here.

Any suggestions?


  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    A spray bottle.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    A spray bottle.

    Ack, I do this for the cat at my work and I didn't even think about that! Thanks!
  • Gutter19
    Gutter19 Posts: 141
    Put a piece of foil on it. it works.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Every time you catch her on the couch, make her do 20 burpees. Most people I know will do ANYTHING to avoid those things. Including ME. :wink: :wink:
  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    put tin foil on it !
    and if this doesnt work go to level to and put a little ground pepper on the tin foil ;)

    helped with my 2 cats and my pit bull
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    Years ago when my mom and I had a black lab retriever who was 100 lbs, we had to put the couch cushions upright at night. Otherwise, we would catch him sleeping on them! He knew he wasn't allowed on the furniture. So, try putting the cushions perpendicular at night and see if that works.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    You can buy matts that roll out onto your couch.... like a blanket or rug, but the catch is they are prickly or uncomfortable to she will be choosing herself to not lay there.... just roll it out before bed at night or when you leave the house.... Let me see if I can find you a link to one
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    A spray bottle.

    Ack, I do this for the cat at my work and I didn't even think about that! Thanks!

    Us too! Good luck! Hopefully your dog doesn't love water and think it's a game LMAO! Cats and dogs are so different!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Watch the Dog Whisperer! You have to "claim" the couch. Own it. I believe it will take time but you basically have to stay there with positive calm assertive energy & disagree.

    Now you tell me how I can get my dog to allow other dogs to sniff her so she could be more social. Go!
  • muggsmom
    Put a piece of foil on it. it works.

    ^This. Or pick up one of those clear plastic runners with the knobbies on the bottom and put it upside down in front of or on the couch.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I have a 45 pound dalmatian/pit bull mutt who is almost always PERFECTLY behaved.

    Except for the fact that she thinks anything comfortable to lay on is hers. If I drop a sweater or pillow on the floor and forget to pick it up right away-- boom, she assumes ownership and it's covered in a million white hairs instantly.

    Now, I drop it on the floor, my problem because it's the floor for pete's sake.

    But this sweet dog KNOWS that the furniture is off-limits. She has NEVER been allowed on it-- I am mildly allergic to her so her hair makes me itch like mad if I rub up on it. Hence the rule-- Only lately she has been breaking it. If I leave something up on the couch so she can't climb up while I am gone, she'll knock it down. She'll be settled in her bed when I go to sleep, get up at 3am to pee and she's on the couch looking guilty. Leave my bedroom door open too long and she's taken up residence on my bed.

    NOT okay. I have airway issues if I am engulfed in dander, and I definitely don't want to have to get rid of her because, like I said, she's almost perfect otherwise- but I am at my wit's end about what to do here.

    Any suggestions?

    I would like to hear some suggestions also. I have a Pit/Lab/Heeler that does the same exact thing. The only way I can keep her off the bed is if I keep the bedroom door closed. She has ripped the couch cushon's to shred trying to get comfy. If I am in the bed she is on the couch and if I am on the couch she is on the bed.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    get a shake can (can with some coins on it). everytime she gets on a piece of furniture you don't want her on shake the can and show it to her (scares the crap out of my dogs). Once she's good and petrified of the can, just put the can on the furniture when you're not around. For my dog, during the day, we have baby gates up to keep her out of the upstairs and flip the couch cushions so they’re standing on end to keep her off the couch when we’re not around.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Watch the Dog Whisperer! You have to "claim" the couch. Own it. I believe it will take time but you basically have to stay there with positive calm assertive energy & disagree.

    Now you tell me how I can get my dog to allow other dogs to sniff her so she could be more social. Go!

    Rub bacon on her and hold her down?

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    OP, you can buy carpet runners for $5 or so for a roll - it's that clear plastic stuff that protects carpet high traffic areas. If you flip it over, there are small pointy parts that would make it stay in place on carpeting. Lay it pointy side up on the couch. It worked for my animals, and it's inexpensive.

    Watch the Dog Whisperer! You have to "claim" the couch. Own it. I believe it will take time but you basically have to stay there with positive calm assertive energy & disagree.

    Now you tell me how I can get my dog to allow other dogs to sniff her so she could be more social. Go!

    Watch the Dog Whisperer. He would hold the dog if it is small and force that meeting. Or if it is a large dog, make it stay with it's rear in one direction by holding the leash with one hand and around the tummy/back with the other arm. As you know, your dog is showing dominance. You just have to "make it happen"...a la Cesar.

  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    My dog is the same way except he's 14 lbs so you'd think he'd be easy to keep off of furniture but he's pretty agile and enjoys intimidating people with his tiny needle-like teeth... I don't even try to keep him off of the furniture anymore.

    My only suggestion (as someone with quite a bit of dog training experience because my Dad's a show breeder) would be crating the dog when you're not around to correct the behavior.

    I tried that with mine but he figured out how to open the crate. :tongue:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I do have a crate out back that I forgot about. I may just do that!
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    Try feeding.... I have a great cookbook it's called '101 Ways to Wok Your Dog'...

    In all seriousness, the best way to train a dog is not treats. Use his food. Take away the bowl and use his actual food as a 'treat'. Obviously don't let the dog starve to death, but this is how my friend (and professional dog trainer) has a puppy potty trained in a week.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    In addition to all the other suggestions:

    -don't be afraid to use doors and babygates to restrict her access to her favorite upholstered items.

    -if you think she tends to select the items that smell the most like you (your bed, your spot on the couch,your favorite chair) put an old t-shirt that you have worn for a few days on her bed, under the dogbed cover. This makes it smell more like you and might help her to feel comfortable on her own bed but won't teach her that laying on your clothes is OK as she can't see the t-shirt underneath the dogbed cover. Crazy, but it works!

    -if she is getting up on the furniture to see out the windows, you can try putting an unupholstered ottoman near the window so she can see out. Don't put it close enough that she can use it to launch herself through a screen though!
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Pee on it so it knows its your territory.