Opinions? vegan/vegetarian



  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I live off veggies and fruits but refuse to be labeled, Someday if I want meat or dairy I will have it.
  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    I'm separated from vegetarians by one degree of separation: Cows eat grass, I eat cows.
    The cows that I don't eat poop on the food vegetarians eat.
    Lol, I love that quote. Being vegan is not for humans, we're programmed to live off of meat. you wouldn't feed veggies to a dog, would you? No, because dogs are meant to eat meat. Your body processes veggy protein differently than animal protein. Also, soy products turn to estrogen in males, therefore increasing their female hormones and decreasing their male hormones. I also love the reasons to be vegan. 1. Healthier than eating meat. False, if you get lean healthy meats, ie fish, chicken breasts, lean ground beef and lean steaks, eating meat is actually healthier. 2. Saving the planet. One cow emits as much carbon monoxide in a day as 5 semi trucks. Eating the cow to reduce carbon emmissions sounds like a better idea. 3. The myth about 6lbs, of meat left in your intestines when you die. False, if your digestive system works properly, it's always cleaning itself, and just like a "cleansing diet", it's pointless. 4. Animals treated cruely. Well, most of the meat produced here in the US, get's exported to other countries, and we import most of the meat from Australia found on your tables. Just like oil, we produce more crude oil here than most other countries, we rank third, but we export most of it to china, then import oil from the middle east, doesn't make since, but it's true.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I am a Pescatarian, I eat fish but not meat and I eat dairy too! I do eat some vegetarian 'spoofs' and I enjoy those quite a lot though they do take some getting used to. Don't expect them to taste like meat, they are substitutes but taste no0thing like meat and I am sure a lot of vegetarians wouldn't want them to anyway. It is not really easy at first, but it gets easier.
  • dkiger85
    dkiger85 Posts: 16 Member
    I am vegan but my husband is not! I have a one year old son and he eats vegan when I cook or have him all day and he eats whatever dad cooks when hes with him all day. I don't want him to grow up thinking I restricted him of anything or forced him to do something. When hes old enough to understand, I will tell him why and he can make his own decisions. I love that you watched the videos and felt a compassion for these animals ( some people don't want to even hear about it let alone watch it). I am a recent vegan myself about 6 months, and it was really easy. You can check out my food diary if you want, but there are probably better things to eat than what I do. I am asked for a cookbook for christmas and I will suggest some of the authors mentioned on this thread so thanks!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I'm separated from vegetarians by one degree of separation: Cows eat grass, I eat cows.
    The cows that I don't eat poop on the food vegetarians eat.
    Lol, I love that quote. Being vegan is not for humans, we're programmed to live off of meat. you wouldn't feed veggies to a dog, would you? No, because dogs are meant to eat meat. Your body processes veggy protein differently than animal protein. Also, soy products turn to estrogen in males, therefore increasing their female hormones and decreasing their male hormones. I also love the reasons to be vegan. 1. Healthier than eating meat. False, if you get lean healthy meats, ie fish, chicken breasts, lean ground beef and lean steaks, eating meat is actually healthier. 2. Saving the planet. One cow emits as much carbon monoxide in a day as 5 semi trucks. Eating the cow to reduce carbon emmissions sounds like a better idea. 3. The myth about 6lbs, of meat left in your intestines when you die. False, if your digestive system works properly, it's always cleaning itself, and just like a "cleansing diet", it's pointless. 4. Animals treated cruely. Well, most of the meat produced here in the US, get's exported to other countries, and we import most of the meat from Australia found on your tables. Just like oil, we produce more crude oil here than most other countries, we rank third, but we export most of it to china, then import oil from the middle east, doesn't make since, but it's true.

    :drinker: :drinker: With a big juicy steak on the side...
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I am not vegetarian but did buy some books to increase my plant based meals. I did cut out meat for a few weeks to see.
    I liked this blog and her cookbook

    I also enjoyed a lot of the recipes in the Get Healthy Go Vegan cookbook by Dr. Neal Barnard.

    I also found this website was a great resource
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Forks Over Knives! The movie is very informative and encouraging although the cookbook is a little boring compared to Vegan with a Vengeance.
    I've been vegan, plus fish, for about 4 months and have lost 20 lbs, I don't have kids so I don't feel qualified to do anything but encourage you to stick with it! The best part for me is that I don't have to cut out all the carbs and I still lose!
    And I'm not a moral vegan but I don't like the meat industry AT ALL. So it makes me happy knowing that I don't need it !
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Oh you should also check out The Vegan Zombie on Youtube. He is amazing and cute too!