Recovering from Bulimia...



  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    I too have suffered from bulimia in the past. I went 8+ years with binging and purging, mainly because even though I was 120lbs, I didn't see myself as that. My weight never fluctuated until about 5 years ago when it slowly crept up and the binging increased. After going through treatment and recovering, my metabolism and entire body were effected and the weight slowly kept creeping up (partly because of lapses, binges. etc). Now at my heaviest, I don't look at this as a "diet" but rather a lifestyle, controlling what goes into my body and knowing that by watching macros, calories and strength training I can make my body the best it's ever been. All feel free to add me, I know support and encouragement are #1 in this!
  • maisouah
    I'm in recovery from bulimia! As of today I am 29 days purge free :) I've been bingeing pretty much non-stop so I've gained back a lot of the weight I lost. I've had an eating disorder since I was 12 years old, and I am 18 now. Almost half of my life has been devoted to bingeing, starving and puking. I have bipolar disorder and the medications I'm on cause HUGE amounts of weight gain. Thankfully, I'm tapering down on it (Seroquel, if your'e curious) and going on one that is more normal (Geodon).

    I hate that all of you struggle like I do,'s nice to have a community, you know? Nice to belong somewhere.

    Oh, I'm Judy by the way.
  • rainbobrite929
    I am also a bulimic. I can't say recovering because unfortunately, I'm still living with the disease and battling to get healthy every day!
  • cjivan
    cjivan Posts: 70
    Wish u the best of luck
  • zilla
    zilla Posts: 46
    Hey, I'm trying to recover from bulimia. I've had an ED since around the age of 10 and have been hospitalised with anorexia twice as well as for depression. I'm currently going through a relapse. So would really love some support and some help to get out of the b/p cycle :)
  • mstocks80
    mstocks80 Posts: 16 Member
    I have never purged but definitely learning to overcome the binging. I lost weight a few months back and gained it all back due to secret binge attacks. I am slowly but surely learning to overcome them. And MFP friends and tracking is what gets me through. You too will get there. I started about 1 week ago back on MFP and I have binged 2 times. But I have also lost 7lbs! So the binging has decreased and I have lowered my caloric intake and on a path to a healthy life! Anyone can add me as a friend! I will support you in any way I can!