Military Wife, Mom, Job, wheres me? The old Me?


It used to be ALL about me. Since 2005 there has been lots of changes. Military, marriage, husbands military career taking Flight, baby, work work work, his 1st deployment, his coming home, moving moving moving. Loss of ME! Do you find yourself compensating for that empty feeling in clothes (that end up not pleasing you), fast food too much, lots of couch time, and never ending trying to change everything in your life except yourself? Thats how I feel and I am trying to find the motivation and ambition within my self or in you to help me change that. I got up to 203 lbs with my daughter when I was pregnant and 3 years later I am only at 177 which I have been at for at least 2 years! I have dropped to 166 when my husband was deployed, but that was only a result of smoking and less eatting. I want to be healthy not smokey! I complain about how I am tired from work, but every morning when I wake up my ankles hurt from my big *kitten* body weighing down on them. Its been like that for 3 weeks now. How many more signs do I need? Oh yeah went to the doctor today for female things and they automatically said I need to have a cholestrol reading done within 2 weeks. I've been told that I am morbibly obese. When I see those 500 lb people on TV if I am morbibly obese what are they?