bf mom slowwwly losing

i'm breastfeeding my second born. while i'm trying to lose a great deal of weight i'm trying to balance my intake so as to not affect my milk supply. it supposedly easier while breastfeeding but not easy enough, ugh. i go for walks everyday with my boys, and i just got treadmill. i'm hoping to one day call myself a runner. anyone else in a similar situation?


  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I am, just had baby#4 6 weeks ago im breastfeeding as well, i lost 20lbs right after i had him but the problem is that i gained 55 while pregnant so i have a ways to go. I looked up the LLL website and it says that optimal calorie intake for nursing moms is 1800 a day but could go as low as 1550 if your eating really healthy and that the safewast way to lose is 1 lb or less per week. I just started working out and i love kickboxing videos they are usually fast workouts ( busy mom with 4 kids) and they worked great for me after my last baby. Good luck!
  • nursekern
    nursekern Posts: 132 Member
    I am right there with you! Currently nursing ds #2, he's almost 6 months old. I had to start supplementing in the last week or so :( It sucks, but I'm doing what I can. I found after I went back to work, it was a constant struggle. I recently got a new job too, so it became even harder. I found when I bumped my calories up a bit, I had less of a problem. I tried fenugreek too, that seemed to help a bit with the milk production.

    I immediately lost 25 pounds after having him, and the rest is sllllooooowwww. Once I'm done breastfeeding, I'll increase my workouts and (hoping) to crave fewer sweets.

    Going to add you though, nice to see other bf mamas on here :)
  • MandiK3
    MandiK3 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey!! Everyone can add me if they like!! I am still BFing my baby is 10 months old now but still nurses a lot. I was SOOOO hungry after I had her that I actually gained 10 lbs more than my pregnancy weight the months after having her :( and now I have been on a mission to rid myslef of the excess weight and I think I have been doing a decent job so far losing 35 lbs in 3 months but doing it healthy, with eating right and working out. I will send you a friend request and hopefully can support each other.
  • tikidu
    tikidu Posts: 4 Member
    wow 35 lbs is awesome! it's nice to see even busy moms can lose weight. you're inspiration when i'm sweatin it on the treadmill.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    EyeOnThePrize82 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm nursing my 5th who is 14 months. I drop all the PG weight by 8 days, then gain right back up to delivery weight. Than sloooowly go back down. I'm still almost 4lbs of my PP weight. No 'nursing makes you lose weight' here. I know this, it's happened 5 times!

    It's tough, but hang in there!
  • tikidu
    tikidu Posts: 4 Member
    i tried fenugreek with my first born. that stuff works, possibly because it gives your milk a maple syrup flavour so your babe nurses more. I also find that nursing every 2 hours really boosts my supply, but when you're working i'm sure that would be a huge challenge. they say losing it slowly is the best way from a maintenance perspective but it makes it hard to stay motivated. my biggest inspiration for working out is the energy boost it gives me, which is so necessary when i'm chasing a toddler and toting a 6 month around.
  • AnikaP81
    AnikaP81 Posts: 59 Member
    I am breastfeeding baby#2 right now, but I got tired of being unhappy with the way my body looks. I am taking a nutrition class right now and as long as you add the "extra" calories needed for nursing just like you would add exercise, it is not a problem to lose weight while bf :) I am working on changing bad eating habits permanently...both to lose weight and to be a good example to our two little boys (7 months and 22 months). I work full-time, and about a month ago I had to start supplementing... Not because of supply issues, but because I just don't have enough time to pump milk at work :( It made me sad since I did make it a whole year with baby #1 without supplementing, but work was a lot slower then... I am still pumping a lot of days and of course I nurse him when I'm around, but the days I don't pump, the little guy still needs to drink...
  • zephtalah
    zephtalah Posts: 327 Member
    I am nursing my twin boys and have previously nursed my other children. It seems like it always takes forever for the weight to come off. I have left the hospital weighing what I did when I went in! However, it can be done. Make sure to get enough calories to keep up milk supply. You can add it in under foods and it will give you an extra 500 to eat with. I too would love to call myself a runner someday. I am starting the c25k tomorrow. I am thinking I will need a better sports bra than what I have. Nursing makes them heavy!!!