
I've been going to Curves 4 years. They always advertise that their circuit will burn about 500 calories. When I enter it to MFP, it only gives 188 calories burned in a circuit. It's a 30 minute workout. Can anyone explain why the huge difference? Thanks.


  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I think they're probably doing you (and everyone who believes them) a huge disservice with the "500 calorie" claim. Everyone will burn a different amount of calories--depending on your weight, height, age, gender, other conditions, activity level, etc.

    I would recommend wearing an HRM while doing their circuit--MFP isn't super trustworthy, either. However, I can guarantee that no program can be just "500 calories" flat, for everyone.

    Edit: Further clarification--you and I could do the exact same exercise for the exact same amount of time. We may burn a very different number.
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    If you have the Curves Smart machines at your location, you can buy the key card for the machine which will track your cals burned and give you feedback and reports about your workout. The most I've burned is 493 in 30 minutes according to the Curves Smart machine. I've seen people, usually larger, burn over 500. It depends on how hard you are working on the machines and what your are doing on the recovery boards. The higher you can get your heart rate up, the more cals you will burn.

    However, that was before I bought an HRM. Now I wear that when working out and my number is usually about 100 cals lower than what the machine says.
  • gma8903
    gma8903 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the input. We don't have the Curves Smart machines. I had hoped we would get them, but unfortunately our Curves is closing soon. :( I'll probably use my ski machine and treadmill, along with my various dvd's. I just need to stay motivated. It's easier for me to get distracted when I'm working out at home. New out early, and don't answer the phone! :)