Body media adjusting for too many calories?


I have a body media armband, which estimates my daily burn around 2800-2900. My fitness pal sets my calorie goal at 1200 calories. I am typically around that number, but since I've linked my body media with MFP, it's giving me almost twice the number of calories. Is there something wrong with my settings?

I know that if my actual calories burned is 2900, and a 1000 calorie deficit per day for a 2 pound loss per week is 1900 calories, but that seems like too much.



  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    The BMF claims to be 95% accurate, so if you are eating 1200 and burning 2900 you are creating way too much of a deficit. It depends on how much weight you have to lose, but if you are less than 30ish lbs from your goal you should be looking at losing 1lb a week, and then when you get to about 20lbs from goal aim for 0.5lb a week, so the 1900 calories seems like a good idea to me. How much activity are you doing, workout and otherwise? My BMF generally has me burning about 2200 a day, but I am sedentary for most of the day after my workout in the morning so I only log about 5000 steps. I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 to maintain.

    ETA: You look good in your profile picture, so I would suggest a deficit of no more than 500 cals a day.