exercising in makeup?

Do you remove your makeup before you work out?
I usually don't then when I wipe my face, I end up with foundation all over my towel, LoL.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Nope. I've also had the issue of makeup on the towel though!
  • wordena
    wordena Posts: 177 Member
    Id worry about acne and my face getting clogged. I wear self tanner (spray tan!) and skip foundation it evens everything out and I dont have to do foundation in the morning. I only have to do my eyes that way. Try Loreal's gelle tanner. Even a very small amount can really help! I mix mine with lotion and I dont need foundation for a week perhaps
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    It always drove me crazy working out with makeup on. I swear I could feel it, plus any eye-liner would run into my eyes with sweat and just burned. But if it doesn't bother you, you should be fine
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I sweat a lot when I exercise so I don't wear makeup to the gym
  • julesan902
    julesan902 Posts: 79 Member
    I sweat a lot when I exercise so I don't wear makeup to the gym

  • rekhiebaby
    I can't imagine it's very good for your skin, but if you don't break out then I guess it's ok (?). I use makeup remover wipes like the Yes to Cucumbers or the Neutrogena ones to remove my makeup before a workout. I still get the occasional breakout, so I try to prevent any way I can.
  • silty
    silty Posts: 3
    I've only ever went to the gym with makeup once. As soon as I started sweating, my eyeliner ran all into my eyes and it burned so bad I had to stop and run to the bathroom to rinse it out.

    Never did that again.
  • mcarthur_jess
    mcarthur_jess Posts: 11 Member
    i workout straight from work with a full face of make up and dont find it an issue i just dab my face where sweaty and find it doesnt really wear off weirdly or unevenly, but then again i have a black towel so it doesnt matter about foundation staining it lol
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I go after work, so no I dont remove it, i could care less, and i dont have the pouring sweat on my face problem. I go home and shower all of it off with the sweat and be done at one time, it dosent bother me.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Its a gym not a beauty pageant
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    I always do. then i use cetaphil cleanser before and after my workout. my skin is acne-prone so i try to do everything in my power to keep it looking normal.
  • inatay7
    inatay7 Posts: 141
    I don't think this post is about whether you should wear makeup to the gym, cos that's a bit silly (imo) and it will just come off anyway because you're sweating.

    Post is more for people who go to the gym after work or after having put on their make up for the day.

    I do not take off my makeup if i happen to be wearing before i go to the gym. Though I do not wear much of it.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I always have makeup on,except during the one week a month i dont wear it to let my skin breathe and to moisterise it and all that good stuff,i do it every night. but, you know i feel like i need that week without it..
    I go to cosmotology school,so basically if i dont do my hair and makeup before school,i can promise you it gets done when i get there for "practice" (except for my makeup rest week)So,if im at the gym after school,then yes i have makeup on and my hair done,but it doesnt bother me at all while im working out at all.
  • aaljurdi
    aaljurdi Posts: 8 Member
    Wear a headband or bandanas. That should keep most of the sweat out of your face (esp the eyes). I am lucky enough to do my workouts in the morning so I am not wearing makeup. Even if, i still wear a bandana cause I sweat a lot.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I only wear waterproof mascara in the week - so no, never an issue for me. I would rinse it off as much as possible if I did.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't usually wear make-up either. I just wear a lightly tinted lip balm. But, if I did wear make-up I wouldn't wear it at the gym if I could avoid it because I wouldn't want to get blemishes (but if that's not a problem for you then it's no big deal probably).
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    When I had on makeup and was going to workout unexpectedly, I didn't mind it; didn't remove it. Although when I did go to the gym regarly with a family member (I now workout at home, less money and just as effective) I never really cared to even put any makeup on. Who cares? You're going there to get a workout and get all sweaty, not to be pretty and perfect. lol
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If I'm wearing makeup and end up at the gym, I really don't see any point in washing it off since I shower after I work out anyway. So I'd just end up washing my face twice. My skin is not prone to breakouts though. I don't put on makeup just to go to the gym though.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I don't remove it, just because I'll be jumping in the shower right after anyways, but I'm not one of those girls who puts it on before I go!

    That *kitten* cray.
  • eatrainsmile
    eatrainsmile Posts: 220 Member
    Working out with make up causes eye infection (mascara) and pimples (foundation) on me. It's not healthy at all.