Ways to 'spice' up water



  • It's not meant to be "good." Its purpose is to hydrate your body. Chug the water and move on with your day.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    To give it some spice add some oregano or black pepper. Or of you're feeling adventurous maybe some garlic powder, it helps keep Dracula away.

    Or you can be normal and cut grapes and strawberries and put it in your water.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    You don't have to get your water from pure water.

    Juice, tea, coffee, etc

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no, wrong wrong, wrong.

    Juice tea and coffee all have added sugars, chemicals, additives and preservatives that require water to flush out of your body, so if you don't drink much water anyways, it would actually dehydrate you. Not to mention adding completely superfluous calories that could be better put to use in healthy filling foods that actually do credit to your body. Don't listen to this person. If you absolutely HAVE to flavor your water (though I don't know why anyone would, water has no flavor and therefore makes no sense to me to claim it is distasteful) I would stick with lemon, lime or orange slices, or maybe a few frozen strawberries or raspberries.

    But in the long run I think you would do your body and your fitness/weight loss journey the most good to eventually train yourself to enjoy straight water, because you won't always find yourself in a position where you have the option to pamper yourself with spruced up water. Good luck!
  • Skinny_Beans
    Skinny_Beans Posts: 405 Member
    You don't have to get your water from pure water.

    Juice, tea, coffee, etc

    Juice is full of sugars though, and coffee is dehydrating.
  • You don't have to get your water from pure water.

    Juice, tea, coffee, etc

    That is false.
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Mio is my best friend.
    Preach that gospel, sistah! Black cherry is the best!
  • I take a quarter cup of lite cranberry juice and the rest water, about 12-16 ounces. the cranberry juice adds flavor-so much easier to chug the water down.

    or squeeze quarter of a lemon in 16 ounces of water.
  • Thats whay my biology teacher told me too.
  • I use generic Mio ... compared the flavors of Mio versions with the generics and they taste the same, but the generic is much cheaper!
  • alie001
    alie001 Posts: 59 Member
    I brew what feels like buckets of Chinese green tea. I have it in the fridge, I put it in my to go cup and always have it with me. I am also very lucky to actually love water...but adding things to water is fine. This is all a process, if you are replacing a mocha with a flavored water, a can of soda for a juice that is an amazing positive step. Mine is not to judge your journey, just try to make better choices one choice at a time...
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Cucumber, lime, lemon and mint leaves :) All together, or individually. Otherwise, I skip the artificial sweeteners.
  • Ceres77
    Ceres77 Posts: 10
    Herbal tea bags. I don't brew them with hot water, I just put one in my big tumbler of water and snap the tumbler lid on over the string. Gives it a light flavor without the caffeine/dehydration of regular tea. I recommend the Stash tea herbal sampler--lots of interesting flavors like blueberry and raspberry hibiscus.
  • natalovesmusic
    natalovesmusic Posts: 49 Member
    Water is almost all I drink and does not have a flavor so it can get boring, yes. I don't want to add any sugar or aspartame though. Will I have to stick with frozen fruit or lemon, etc?
  • Grape Mio is the best!! Or even the generic versions of MIO.. we usually get ours at Walmart for $2.79 each!! In the stores, MIO is usually $3.99.. I love all the flavors, and find that MIO is economical as well as helping with the consumption of water. In fact I no longer buy beverages (besides milk) for my family.. We always go to Walmart and stock up on all flavors.. that way the kids always have a variety to choose from..
  • jnoring
    jnoring Posts: 93
    You don't have to get your water from pure water.

    Juice, tea, coffee, etc

    That is false.

    I always consider my tea water. I dont add anything but a tea bag and and hot water.
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I like flavoured sparkling water, especially lime or grapefruit.

    For plain water, I'd rather turn it into green tea or herbal tea.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Make it super cold & add lemon. Talk about refreshing! I always get it at restaurants, plus its free.
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    What I do is just take a pitcher of water, cut up a lemon or an orange and throw it in there to sit over night in the fridge. Gives the water a new taste without added sugars.
  • Aleciarose123
    Aleciarose123 Posts: 44 Member
    I slice up a an apple and throw that and 2 cinnamon sticks in a pitcher of water and let it soak overnight. The cinnamon helps to energize you and speed up metabolism, plus it tastes great!
  • Cucumber water is exceptional. I have to disagree with the person who said water doesn't have a taste. It very much does have a taste. If you're drinking tap or spring water, you're getting various levels of minerals that influence the taste and distilled water tastes oddly stale.

    I prefer to stick to flavorings found in the produce section. Lemon, cucumber, berries, etc.

    The other beverage I consider water is naturally decaffeinated tea without sugar.