Pregnancy 2010 - Week 3

jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Welcome everyone!

So since I started this, I guess Angela I need to come up with the weekly challenge?

Here it is: For the next 7 days everyone is challanged to get their minimum daily water intake.

Hope everyone had a good week! I'm so happy that there are more people joining us everyday! For all the new people, our check in day is Wednesday each week.

Congrats to our two preggos! Yayz!


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Great challenge!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I needed that challenge! I've been so sick and yesterday I only drank a total of 20oz! ALL DAY LONG! Need to get back on top of things!

    SW: 163
    CW: 157.4

    Since we started I've lost:
    .25" from my waist
    .75" from my hips
    .5" from my thighs
    0" from my arms
    1" from my butt

    Last week I worked out only twice since I was sick.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I like the water challenge...great idea.

    I am very excited to announce.............I got rid of the very yucky, mean, ugly, number 2 in front of my weight. I hope to never, ever, ever see it again:happy: :love: :bigsmile:

    SW: 202.5
    GW: 199

    As for the water, I have 30 oz down so far today. I still haven't taken measurements. I really need to get around to that.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Today I weighed in at 215, which means I went up 0.6 lbs. Which means, I'm not working hard enough.
    That said, I made it to the gym 4 times this past week. I'm please with that.

    This week will be better!

    Glad you like the challenge! I needed it, I love water, but I don't seem to get enough in during a day.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Congrats Amanda! That must feel amazing! Keep up the amazing work!

    Jalara, sounds like you are working hard. Sometimes it takes your body awhile to adjust to how your doing, has your diet been decent this past week? Eating all your calories, and eating healthy? Don't let one week get you down. Did you measure yourself?How did that look this week verses last week?

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Congrats Amanda! That must feel amazing! Keep up the amazing work!

    Jalara, sounds like you are working hard. Sometimes it takes your body awhile to adjust to how your doing, has your diet been decent this past week? Eating all your calories, and eating healthy? Don't let one week get you down. Did you measure yourself?How did that look this week verses last week?


    Yes, Amanda - that is wonderful! Congrats!

    Angela - I've been eating all my calories, but must admit that each day I've likely gone over by 100 or so. I wouldn't think that is enough to gain, but it may be. The foods I'm eating are decent, not Jillian Michael's perfect, but not garbage.

    My copy of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred came today - have any of you tried it? I'll take my measurements tonight so I know how it helps in the next few weeks.

    I'm really hoping the water intake will help, and I've been incorporating the list of foods you keep giving us (thanks by the way). I've started alternating my breakfasts betwwen oatmeal one day, and yogurt, walnuts and blueberries the next. I'm hoping to hit 213 for next Wednesday, and I'm going to try really hard to do it.

    Oh - Angela are you going to keep us updated with belly pics the whole way through???
  • OMG! Is it Wednesday already? I'm off track this week because I was off Monday. I weighed in yesterday for our weight loss challenge at work. I've gained back the 3 that I lost so I guess I'm not doing very well. I know what I need to do, but doing it is the hardest part for me! UGH! Try and try again! :grumble:

    I'm up for the water challenge. Have a great week!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Congrats Amanda! That must feel amazing! Keep up the amazing work!

    Jalara, sounds like you are working hard. Sometimes it takes your body awhile to adjust to how your doing, has your diet been decent this past week? Eating all your calories, and eating healthy? Don't let one week get you down. Did you measure yourself?How did that look this week verses last week?


    Yes, Amanda - that is wonderful! Congrats!

    Angela - I've been eating all my calories, but must admit that each day I've likely gone over by 100 or so. I wouldn't think that is enough to gain, but it may be. The foods I'm eating are decent, not Jillian Michael's perfect, but not garbage.

    My copy of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred came today - have any of you tried it? I'll take my measurements tonight so I know how it helps in the next few weeks.

    I'm really hoping the water intake will help, and I've been incorporating the list of foods you keep giving us (thanks by the way). I've started alternating my breakfasts betwwen oatmeal one day, and yogurt, walnuts and blueberries the next. I'm hoping to hit 213 for next Wednesday, and I'm going to try really hard to do it.

    Oh - Angela are you going to keep us updated with belly pics the whole way through???

    I've done the 30 day shred and it's awesome ... HARD ... but awesome! I will be happy to update everyone with pics, I'll probably start at month two since right now you still can't really tell (the bloading doesn't count haha)
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Holey-moley!!! It's Wednesday already. I can't believe that I a weird week this has been. Well I am going to have to do everything tomorrow morning cause I like to weigh and measure in the morning :).

    Way to go Amanda!!! I cannot wait until I get below 200 again! I bet that feels amazing!

    Jalara I have/am doing 30 Day Shred.....Love it! Highly recommend it.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Well I hit my water goal for yesterday, drinking a total of 68oz.

    In some depressing news....(yes I know you aren't supposed to do this), I steped on the scale this morning, and it says I am up a pound and a half from yesterday morning. I am hoping it is just the scale playing tricks on me.

    My husband is leaving to go out of town for a week and a half, and my mom is comming to stay with me! I hid my prenatal vitamins so she wont see them. We have decided not to tell anyone we are going to be trying soon, as we don't want all the questions are you pregnant yet, do you have anything you want to tell us?

    How are you guys handleing it. Are you letting people know you are trying?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey Tahmed!

    My scale said I was up too! Perhps it's our body's retaining the extra water from yesterday since it's not used to it? How did everyone else fair?

    We aren't trying yet, but waiting another until spring 2011. We are getting married in August, want a few months to ourselves, and then we will try. But there is weight to be dropped first!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I drank 10 cups yesterday, which is about average for me anyway. I love this time of year, the water is ice cols straight from the tap. I was down 4 pounds this week, my first week back on the wagon.
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Yay I lost 1.6 pounds this last week! Which means I am back to my before Christmas weight :). So here is my weigh-in since I forgot to do it yesterday.

    SW: 230
    CW: 226

    I also lost about 3" from my waist and 2" from my hips? Does that seem right, this is over a almost 3 week period of time. Just seems like a lot for such a short period of time. Either way I know I lost some inches.

    I also did very well with my water yesterday I drank 64+ oz. of water.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am down to 164 this morning - so that's a loss of 1.6 since last week.

    Hope everyone is having a good day! I think this week's challenge is great! I drank at least 80 oz of water yesterday. I've been working so much everything is blurring together. I can't keep anything straight!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Well I hit my water goal for yesterday, drinking a total of 68oz.

    In some depressing news....(yes I know you aren't supposed to do this), I steped on the scale this morning, and it says I am up a pound and a half from yesterday morning. I am hoping it is just the scale playing tricks on me.

    My husband is leaving to go out of town for a week and a half, and my mom is comming to stay with me! I hid my prenatal vitamins so she wont see them. We have decided not to tell anyone we are going to be trying soon, as we don't want all the questions are you pregnant yet, do you have anything you want to tell us?

    How are you guys handleing it. Are you letting people know you are trying?

    Some people knew, I preferred not to tell people because it's more of a surprise. :-D
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Congrats girls on your weight loss!

    I didn't succeed on my water challenge yesterday. I honestly tried, but the nausea started and it was really really tough to drink just water. I'm back at work today and Have gatorade and lemon for my water so I'm hoping to meet my goal today!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Congrats girls on your weight loss!

    I didn't succeed on my water challenge yesterday. I honestly tried, but the nausea started and it was really really tough to drink just water. I'm back at work today and Have gatorade and lemon for my water so I'm hoping to meet my goal today!

    Aw, I had a terrible time with water during my pregnancy. It will get better, I lived on bananas and vanilla pudding for the forst few weeks. Hang in there.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    bananas have totally been my best friend! The nausea isn't terrible yet, evenings are worse and it only affects me on certain days ... but I'm only 5 weeks so we'll see
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Angela - how are you feeling overall? Is the cold/other issue getting better? There were tons of things that I couldn't tolerate when I was pregnant, so just bare with it!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I was feeling better sickness wise yesterday, however today it's back with a vengence. :-( My voice is almost gone again and LOTS of coughing. *sigh
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