Hellllppp meeee pleeeaaasssseeee!



  • Midnigh
    Midnigh Posts: 56 Member
    Way to go Amuchison!!! LOL wow she is awesome! I also agree with her you can do this but you have to put yourself first. Something you might want to try is to pre pack your meals ahead of time so you can grab and go . I also pre pack my lunch meat and cheese into 2 oz bags or 1 oz bags ( cheese is the 1 oz) I find it for me, if I can organize my meals I can stay on my diet better. It also cuts down on my time trying to weigh everything out when making a salad or sandwich. As for working out start out small. Try doing 15 mins here and 15 mins there of any cardio. If your watching TV make it a point that during the commericals you have to jog in place or run up and down your stairs. I hope this helps you. You really can do this!

    Great advice. I love the prepackaging...weight it out once and done for the week. I also like your suggestion of working out during commercials...at the very least. Thank you.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    If you can't get lunch, a protein shake is the way to go. Try chocolate whey isolate with PB2 shaken with skim milk (or water, but milk is more filling). About 200 calories, tastes great, high protein and fills you up.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    You don't go into "starvation mode" by skipping a meal. I, myself, prefer to eat several times a day, but if a person chooses to eat all the allotted calories in one fell swoop, it would all be the same. Metabolism is lowered after a llong while of consuming fewer calories than the body needs to perform basic function. In fact, it is rare.

    I would also caution the advice given here about the bars and processed sandwiches. With all products, read the labels. Many are filled with chemicals, additives, sodium, and sugar. Preparing fresh real food does not have to be time consuming or costly. I have stashes of fruit, almonds, string cheese, trail mix, whol grain crackers, and tuna on hand for emergencies. On the weekends, I grill chicken, make stir fry, make turkey chili, etc., and store it in individual containers.

    In the end, motivation comes from within. If this is important enough to you, you will find a way. If it's not, you will find an excuse. ,
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I might try exercising in the morning too. Getting up an extra 20 or 30 minutes earlier than normal can't be that bad.
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    Exercise is strange, you do all that physical work and yet you have more energy than if you had just sat in front of the tv taking in calories...

    The problem is getting started, tell yourself just 10 minutes, and then if you still feel like it, continue. 9 times out of 10 you will continue, and you never have to feel the pressure of having to finish.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Just keep in mind that weight loss is all about food. Exercise is about fitness. Don't expect to lose weight by exercising. It's not going to happen.
  • Tabithagulett
    I'm like one good day and I loose it again for one week, why can't i just have some control over what I eat... I hate the feeling of giving up, not bothering, because i just can't pick my self up, yes one day and I binge again. Why is there no friends on myfitnesspal?

    You don't have to give it up just eat less..and log in you calories...I was the same way. I didn't want to give up my fav foods,and if you look at my diary I haven't. I now look at the serving sizes and that's what I eat. Add me.. I have only been doing this about 3+ weeks and have lost 10 pounds..Start by reading serving sizes after a few weeks your stomach will start getting smaller and it wont take as much to fill you up. If it's too hard give yourself a cheat day. But I have found with the way I am doing it I don't need a cheat day.
  • Tabithagulett
    Also did you know that on your exercise diary you can log in your cleaning time and it counts..walking you do that all the time if you have to add 5 mins at a time into your diary..do it..it all works together to help motivate yourself.I also went as far as to put up a chart of my weight loss on my kitchen wall yes everyone can see it..But at the same time everyone who does always says something positive about it.