ladies having insulin resistance and PCOS

HI all! I am new ( from South Africa) and just joined today in fact. I have also started the insanity program. would love to hear from any women that have a condition known as insulin resistance (most commonly known as metabolic syndrome or syndrome x in the USA). i am abit concerned about having carbs because of my condition my body is a hardcore fat storing machine! my stats are as follows:
1.53 cm, 62,5 kg
ideal weight. 45 kg

if there is anyone out there that is doing insanity with the above condition I would appreciate your outlook and experience so that i may adjust mine if need be. goodluck to all of you that are taking a positive step in nutrition and fitness.



  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I have both of those. I am on a low carb diet. Most of my PCOS symptoms are controlled on the diet. I don't need any medications.
  • sha581
    sha581 Posts: 3
    hi axialmeow.

    thanx for the input. thats great to hear! I am on metformin and birth control pills to help with the conditions. i guess once i lose 17kg which are approx 30 lbs my hormones should be regulated.
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member

    I also have insulin resistance. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Hi everyone,

    Not sure if I'm writing in the right message board here lol.
    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance in 2009 and been fighting it ever since. I've tried diets and exercise and I'm not diabex (metformin) and nothing seems to be working.

    How long did it take for any of you to see results?
    And would you suggest maybe seeing a specialist such as an endocrinologist?
    I find that hardley anybody knows about insulin resistance unless they have it themselves.

    Thanks! :)
  • Hi,

    I've have the same condition as you, PCOS and insulin resistant. I've found that a low GI diet has helped me a lot. I try to cut back on carbs on an evening but because I exercise I need healthy carbs during the day to keep going.

    Hope this helps