Do you always notice a change in your clothes

I have not weighed myself in the last few weeks but I was hoping to notice a change in my clothes. I joined a gym three weeks ago and generally feel healthier as I have been following the plan. My weigh in day is next week and I am feeling confident that I will see a change in the scale even if it is only one or two pounds. However I wore my favourite jeans that they seemed to fit exactly the same. Not even slightly loose. Is this strange or could I just be losing from other areas first. My face looks different so I am assuming the weight is coming off from my face first lol.


  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It partly depends on how much you have to lose to start with. When I first started out, I would need to lose quite a lot to notice any change in my clothes, more than I could lose in 3 weeks. Even now, although I notice a change over maybe a few pounds, it still takes a few weeks to lose those few pounds. And you're right, you won't lose it evenly all over. The fact that you can notice a change in your face already is great! Just keep at it, and it will eventually come off in the places that you want it to!
  • little_lisid
    little_lisid Posts: 47 Member
    Not always - i was loosing weight for a while and not noticing it in my clothes as much as my face and collar bones, but then when I got stuck between 80-85 kgs it was like a sudden "wooooosh" as the inches rushed off and i dropped from a size 16-18 to size 10-12/14 (top-bottom). I mean the clothes were getting looser and had dropped a size before that, but i think i went about 10kgs before it was real noticible from 95-85kgs - the thing was I THOUGHT they fit the same, until I went out and tried on clothes 2-3 sizes smaller and discovered under the jeans, everything was a bit smaller. Before I went shopping, I would have sworn I hadn't lost inches. It took putting on the smaller clothes to convince me.