Sometimes I wanna scream!



  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    I wanna scream too!! I'd gladly scream right along with you. Yesterday I did day 1 of c25k and day 1 of 30 day shred (running in the morning and shred in the evening). With all those exercise calories I was way below my daily and even if you take them off I still was a little below my goal. How did the scale respond? Up 0.6 lbs this morning. Screw you scale!! Its a good thing I am a work and can just let the steam roll off. I did consider for one very slight milisecond, saying screw it and do what I want today. That would only lead to guilt tomorrow and I dont want that!! Onward and upward (hopefully scale goes downward).
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    I love this site more every day. You guys ROCK! I do feel better. (i also like the idea of drinking beer everyday, lol.)

    Thanks. I won't cook or bake today :) I had my two egg whites and a whole egg for breakfast.

    I really appreciate all of you. Thank you for turning my whole attitude around.

    ETA: And on a side note, I don't think this whole "weighing once a week" thing works for me. It puts too much pressure on that one day...I think I prefer knowing all week that im over instead of thinking i feel 'skinnier' and getting a sad number

    I look at your weekend and say - great, it was only a pound and I am ready to kick start again today! We all have days we have to be "bad". If you don't then you will fall completely off the wagon and make yourself crazy. If you know ahead of time that you have something special - burn the calories before you head out - Housework burns a crapload of calories, hand mow the yard, just do some extras.

    As for the nasty weighing thing - I do it twice a week, Thursdays and Mondays - Thursdays tell me how I did all week, and Mondays hold me accountable for the weekend. It works for me. Good luck!
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Last month I lost a total of 1.5lbs....thats right! 1.5lbs but do you see me giving up? NO. I still log and watch what I eat. I still wake up at 4:15 am to do Insanity. All I know is that I look good and not only am I gonna STAY that way, but I'm also going to improve. If you're in this for the long haul you can't let things like 1lb defeat you. Get your head in the game and shut up!......

    With that said I good luck with this weekend. I hope you have a great time shooting pool, and have a blessed day :-))))
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I completely understand. My husband and I went running ONCE, and he dropped 10lbs. It's hard. Last week I had lost 2.5 lbs on Monday, by Friday, I had 2 back. Just stick with it! I know it sometimes feels like 1 step forward, 2 steps back, but weight loss is longterm. This week I have a total of 3lbs lost since restarting my weight loss journey! Keep with it and know there are plenty of people here to support you whenever you need encouragement!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am nervous to post...but what the hell.

    Bad morning. I gained a pound this week.... I know why. Im not stupid. I drank a **** load of beer last weekend, and didn't stick to my caloric intake everyday this week. However, I did limit myself and try to have correct portion sizes.

    I am also doing 30 day shred, and I know I am gaining muscle. Why can't I just have a scale that says "good job, you feel lighter" with no number :) haha.

    Today, I just feel like saying F-it and baking and cooking all day.....and then enjoying every bit of it. Oh! we also have a pool tournament this weekend so I will be hanging out in a bar. all. weekend. Not a great time to be so discouraged.

    Tear me apart if you would like. I had to get that out and Husband doesn't understand bc if he looks at a salad he drops 10 lbs. jerk.

    I would never "tear you apart". You're entitled to those feelings. I have them too... only I never drink. My extra weight comes from pure junk food.

    If you're strength training, and you know you're building muscle.... that may be it. Also, it could be water weight from all of the sweets. Don't get discouraged. I know it's easier said than done. I hate the scale too. BUT... try to use it as motivation to kick your butt into gear.