Activity modifier?


I find it a bit hard to calculate my activity modifier for the TDEE approach. I have very little to loose (say 15-20 lbs) and I am in the normal range for BMI. So it would be a bit difficult to get my body to release the weight, I suppose.

I work as a swimming instructor three times weekly (about 6 hours total), I walk or bike a lot since I don't own a car, and I run three hours weekly. The rest of my time I either do household stuff or study. (Yes, I study about 60 hrs/week at least). What would be my modifier? Sedentery or lightly active?

Please answer...


  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Go lightly active and if you don't lose after about 3 weeks, adjust it.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    MFP only takes into account your job, and not how much you exercise. If you want to do the TDEE approach, you need to use another calculator that takes your exercise into account. Try the calculators at
  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    I know that MFP does not take this into account. However, I like logging my calories. I don't see any problem with using custom settings, so I just like to use MFP to keep track.

    The question of activity modifier was for the TDEE approach, for example fat2fitratio. I don't know which modifier to use on that type of site.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    You sound like you're either moderately or very active.

    There is no problem with using the custom settings to keep track of your TDEE calories. That's what a lot of people do, including myself.