
chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i've been following my meal and exercise plan very well for the last 2 weeks and it has really paid off - i've lost weight, i feel better and my clothes are startling loose! however, tonight i was planning to go out on a 'date' with my husband and eat dinner at outback. i checked out the nutrition info, and the meal that i would eat is outrageously high in everything, and i made sure to work out and eat well for breakfast and lunch to counteract it a bit. i know i could substitute things that i don't care for in place of what i usually get, but that kind of defeats the purpose of going for me because i wouldn't enjoy it. and, fyi, the blue cheese salad has nearly as many calories and fat as the 6oz steak and garlic mashed potatos combined!

so, i pretty much already know my decision (i'm planning to go and enjoy it!), but i'm curious as to what kind of philosophies are out there on this type of thing. what say you?


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Go. Enjoy. And get back on track tomorrow. I think it's good for your sanity to have treats. I've found in the past that when I deprive myself all the time I'm more likely to have really bad cravings and sabotage myself. So I think if you want to go, go. You're armed with the nutritional information, so it's not like you're blindly eating with no regard for your calories.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Enjoy! And if you want to lessen the damage a little, try cutting back on your portion sizes when you're there.
    I think an *occasional* treat is just fine, you just can't let it turn into more.
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    Sometimes we have to allow ourselves a treat. When we go out I make sure that I order a tossed salad with the Dressing on the side, this helps control the amount used. I dip the fork into the dressing the into the salad. Some others will ask for a take out container so that they can portion the meal before they start eating and take some home for another day. Baked potatoes are a good side as well, just remember the butter and sour cream are the enemy. Maybe try a chicken or fish dish without the sauces on top.

    Good luck, remember to have fun, it is a date.
  • I would say definetely go and enjoy :) Just get right back on track tomorrow.
    What I have done in the past is once I "blow it" one night with a completely unhealthy meal or night out...I say.. well I messed this up and I throw in the towel and continue back with the old habits. I am really going to try and not do this anymore because someone cannot simply never go out to eat again or enjoy tasty, high calorie food. No, it will happen in life and it is all about getting right back on track the next day and continuing with the wonderful progress. I am slowly learning this.

    Have fun and enjoy!!! Outback is soo yummy!
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    I agree, once in a while you have to enjoy. I REFUSE to believe that I can never have a steak or a cheeseburger ever again. Another tip: Get a to-go container right away and put half in it before you start eating. I've actually done that at Outback! Eat the other half for lunch tomorrow.
  • Usually when my hubby and I go out on a date and we're on the "weight loss" bandwagon, we share a meal so we don't eat as much and we can still enjoy and splurge a little...
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I usually get a to-go box with my meal. I leave half on the plate and half in the box. That way I keep portion in check and I have lunch for the next day :)

    I love Outback!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Enjoy! And like so many others have said, get right back with it. I will be eating out tomorrow for "girls' night out." I'm trying to stay within, and possibly well below, today. Tomorrow I will eat light throughout the day, and then make the best choices possible for dinner. Friday will be just like today. It's a fun treat. Just don't "treat" yourself that way every day!:wink: This is about making changes that you can live with for a lifetime, not for the next few weeks. Have fun. Enjoy!
  • Just go and enjoy it! I give myself a free meal each week-on Friday-along with some drinks. It gives me something to look forward to and boosts my will power during the week. Have fun!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I allow myself one meal a week to have whatever I want. That way if there's something that I am really wanting, I know that I can have it during that time. I am the most successful losing weight when I use this idea.
  • infobabe
    infobabe Posts: 23 Member
    Well mentally if you deny yourself some kind of food natural psychology will take over and you will fighting with yourself over it. So order something kind of healthy and just watch your portion sizes. You got it right exercise your calories away if you slip up a little! Just STAY AWAY FROM THE BLOOMING ONION GIRL!
  • Agree on the blooooming onion!!! Oh so goood- but wowsers- I think it made the top ten list for unhealthiest foods ever. LOL
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    thanks to all. i'm going to be able to live with myself a little easier after dinner tonight with your encouragement! as for the bloomin' onion...i'm lucky in the way that i'm not an onion kind of gal, so let's hear it for odd taste buds!
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