Seriously frustrated!!!



  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I can't do refined carbs either - and ice cream (unfortunately), falls into that category due to all of the sugar! :grumble: I am an ice cream a-holic, but I've begun to use it as a monthly 'reward' and even then, only a small amount!

    In all seriousness, when I give in to the refined carbs, it sets me back every time, so I've just learned to say, "No!".

    Don't give up your weight training - keeping that muscle keeps your metabolism humming along and the strength and bone density you gain becomes so very important as you age, so keep up the good work!!

    Have you thought about trying HIIT workouts just to give yourself a change up? Look up Zuzana Light on YouTube - she posts weekly HIIT routines that last only 15 - 20 minutes, but they will kick your butt!

    Throw out your scale!! Have you taken your measurements? Much better guage for your progress and the pictures help a lot, too! Weight fluctuates by the second, I swear. It goes up and down daily depending on water retention, etc. - the scale just is not your friend (fortunately, you have friends here on MFP!) :wink:

    Hang in there! Your exercise is great, keep you diet as 'clean' as possible and think about changing your cardio workouts up a bit - you'll see results again soon!

    Definitely not giving up the weight training!!! I'm thinking yoga may have to be sacrificed lieu of spinning perhaps. I've never heard of HIIT workouts, I shall use my friend google to find out more. I think I'll also purchase a lovely tape measure as well. I completely concur on the scale not being my friend, we have had strong words lately, perhaps it's in an abusive relationship. I sit on it and tell it how useless it is and....well.

    anyway, to the bat cave.
  • I don't let it get to me that badly. I KNOW I don't lose weight fast. I hit my 105th day on mfp yesterday, and I'm down about 15 lbs since starting. I get frustrated sometimes, but as long as the scale doesn't go UP, I'm okay with that. If it goes down, great. I REALLY cannot wait to get out of the 200's and I was determined to do it by Halloween and that's not happening. Everyone is different.

    You've got a great attitude! Reminds me not to get my panties in a bunch over stalling. You stuck with it for 105 days and now have 15 lbs lost to show for it. Congrats!!
  • Definitely not giving up the weight training!!! I'm thinking yoga may have to be sacrificed lieu of spinning perhaps. I've never heard of HIIT workouts, I shall use my friend google to find out more. I think I'll also purchase a lovely tape measure as well. I completely concur on the scale not being my friend, we have had strong words lately, perhaps it's in an abusive relationship. I sit on it and tell it how useless it is and....well.

    anyway, to the bat cave.

    I'd try to keep in a little yoga at least. It's good for flexibility and calming the mind (which is supposed to help with weight loss).

    Good luck with breaking the plateau! Hope it's at simple as adding in spinning or upping calories a bit. If something does work for you, please post back. I'm working on my own 3-week plateau too. (Hmm, can it be called a plateau if I haven't even lost any weight yet? :tongue:)
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Well after a weekend of higher calorie - mixing up the exercise a little and tons more protein, I have finally seen the scale drop! It was only a lb but it wasn't a .5 lbs or whatever it was a full stinking pound!!! So I"m a happy monkey today.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Yay! That is great. When I started on MFP they had my calories close to 1600. My settings are on sedentary and I think then I had them set to lose either 1.5 or 2 lbs. sorry, I can't remember. Then as I was losing weight they would cut my calorie intake every 10 lbs or so. When my calories got down to 1420 I plateaued and was constantly hungry. I decided change my goals to 0.5 lb a week which gave me 1620 calories a day and when they ask me if I want to lower my calories when I lose 10 lbs I say no. I try and eat back almost all of my exercise calories. Sometimes if I don't pay enough attention I may end up with too many calories left to eat at the end of the day. Sometimes on the days I don't exercise I end up over in calories so I guess it balances out. I do a lot of circuit training and boot camp type workouts. I like the mix of cardio and resistance training.

    Btw my stats are:

    SW: 255
    CW: 209
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 37

    Thought it was only fair I share also, lol. Now you know something only my dr and I have known. Don't tell my husband:happy:
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Yay! That is great. When I started on MFP they had my calories close to 1600. My settings are on sedentary and I think then I had them set to lose either 1.5 or 2 lbs. sorry, I can't remember. Then as I was losing weight they would cut my calorie intake every 10 lbs or so. When my calories got down to 1420 I plateaued and was constantly hungry. I decided change my goals to 0.5 lb a week which gave me 1620 calories a day and when they ask me if I want to lower my calories when I lose 10 lbs I say no. I try and eat back almost all of my exercise calories. Sometimes if I don't pay enough attention I may end up with too many calories left to eat at the end of the day. Sometimes on the days I don't exercise I end up over in calories so I guess it balances out. I do a lot of circuit training and boot camp type workouts. I like the mix of cardio and resistance training.

    Btw my stats are:

    SW: 255
    CW: 209
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 37

    Thought it was only fair I share also, lol. Now you know something only my dr and I have known. Don't tell my husband:happy:

    Thanks for sharing :) I know it's not easy to do that!!! I just can't believe how much I'm eating and that some of the weight is starting to come off.